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Showing results for "pi"
Urdu words for pi
pi के देवनागरी में उर्दू अर्थ
- पाई
- यूनानी हुरूओफ़-ए-तहज्जी का सोलहवां हर्फ़
pi کے اردو معانی
- پائی
- یونانی حُرُوفِ تہجّی کا سولھواں حَرف
Related searched words
a quarter, one fourth, a trough or place for animals to drink water, public stand for drinking water, ace, face of the dice with one spot, dawn, daybreak, the first streak of dawn, good luck, good fortune, success
ago, at some time in the past, formerly, backside, behind, rear, subsequently, in consequence of, for the sake of, on account of, due to, after, in the rear, astern, afterwards, in the absence of,after the death of
a thing, person, event, or period of time is the one that happens or comes before all the others of the same kind
(of cigarette, etc.) smoke, drink wine, drink, quaff, suck, imbibe, absorb, suppress one's feelings
a kind of board on which children learn to write, a kind of mat, parting of the hair in the middle of the head, the side of a bedstead
(جراحی) کنٹھ کے اندر لگے ہوئے شلیہ (پتھر کن٘کر) معلوم کرنے کے واسطے ۱۰ اُن٘گل لمبا اور پانج پانج انگل پر دھی والی ناڑی اوزار پیوگی ہوتا ہے
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