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Showing results for "mare paTe"

mare paTe

a curse phrase


in bad circumstances, distressed, afflicted, lean,emaciated

jiite pitaa kii puuchhii na baat mare pitaa ko duudh aur bhaat

زندگی میں تو باپ کی خبر نہ لی مرنے پر سرادھ کراتے رہے.

pittaa maarii

مجازاً محنت، مشقت، تکلیف

pittaa maarii kaa kaam

a very tough and demanding task


سخت محنت ، مشقت .

peTuu mare peT ko, naamii mare naam ko

the glutton dies for food, the ambitions for a name, (applied to those that are insolent under cover of humility)

Meaning ofSee meaning mare paTe in English, Hindi & Urdu

mare paTe

मरे पटेمَرے پَٹے

English meaning of mare paTe

  • a curse phrase

मरे पटे के हिंदी अर्थ

  • एक अभिशाप वाक्यांश, एक कोसना, गाली

مَرے پَٹے کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu
  • ایک کوسنا، گالی

Urdu meaning of mare paTe

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • ek kosnaa, gaalii

Related searched words

mare paTe

a curse phrase


in bad circumstances, distressed, afflicted, lean,emaciated

jiite pitaa kii puuchhii na baat mare pitaa ko duudh aur bhaat

زندگی میں تو باپ کی خبر نہ لی مرنے پر سرادھ کراتے رہے.

pittaa maarii

مجازاً محنت، مشقت، تکلیف

pittaa maarii kaa kaam

a very tough and demanding task


سخت محنت ، مشقت .

peTuu mare peT ko, naamii mare naam ko

the glutton dies for food, the ambitions for a name, (applied to those that are insolent under cover of humility)

Citation Index: See the sources referred to in building Rekhta Dictionary

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mare paTe

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