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Showing results for "laa-haula-valaa-quvvata-illaa-billaah"


If not, otherwise, besides, except, moreover


Allah, God, the Supreme Being, the Omnipotent, the Almighty

illaa denaa



(lexical) except what Allah wills, in exceptional cases






sexless, castrated, without a penis


owl, fool, stupid fellow, blockhead, idiot, ominous, unlucky



Gambling: A boys' game in which three or four boys throw a conch at a circle (One boy throws, the remaining boys keep the winning money secret in their fists, the one who wins the thrower gets the money)




سابقہ بمعنی مُختَلِف دُوسرا مثلاً ایلومارفس




فجائیہ: حمد ہو خدا کی ۔.


جین(مورثہ) کے (عموماً) دو متبادل ہیولوں میں سے ایک۔.




the Grand, one of the ninety-nine names of Allah


allaah allaah bhaa.ii allaah allaah , meraa beTaa so.e allaah allaah

allaah allaah kii amaan, tum par allaah kii amaan, tum jiyo merii jaan, tumhaaraa allaah nigahbaan

allaah de allaah dilaave, banda de muraad paave

allaah allaah kii barkat ba.Dii , mere miyaa.n beTe kii 'umr ba.Dii

allaah allaah bhaa.ii ke, diide bhuuTe.n nazar haa.ii ke

allaah allaah bhaa.ii ke, kaan kaaTuu.n naa.ii ke

allaah allaah bhaa.ii ke, kaan kaaTuu.n bilaa.ii ke

allaah allaah kartii thii, ghii ke paapa.D taltii thii, paapa.D hu.e tamaam, beTaa kare aaraam

allaah miyaa.n ke ba.De ba.De haath

allaah ke ba.De ba.De haath hai.n

allaah milaa.ii jo.Dii

allaah de, banda paave

allaah miyaa.n ke pichhvaa.De

the back of beyond, a very faraway place

allaah bas, baaqii havas

only the God will remain, everything else will pass away, an advice to shun worldliness

allaah do deve to vo bhii qubuul hai.n

allaah suu.n

by God!

allaah kii laaThii me.n aavaaz nahii.n

the mills of God grind slowly, but they grind very fine

allaah kare baa.nkaa pak.Daa jaa.e, laal KHaan ke lak.De se jak.Daa jaa.e

allaah kaa diidaar mohhamad kii shafaa'at

allaah ke yahaa.n der hai andher nahii.n hai

allaah aamii.n me.n

allaah miyaa.n

Allah, the Supreme Lord

allaah miyaa.n kii mai.n mai.n

allaah kii hazaar baate.n hai.n

allaah ko dekhaa nahii.n par 'aql se to pahchaanaa hai

allaah kii laaThii be-aavaaz hai

the mills of God grind slowly

allaah madadgaar hai to be.Daa paar hai

allaah allaah bhaa.ii ke

allaah allaah kii chiiz

allaah allaah KHair sallaah

thank God it is over, that is all there is to it

allaah shaafii allaah kaafii

God is the curer and He is sufficient, a formula used at the time of taking or administering medicine

allaah ko mu.nh dikhaanaa hai

one is answerable for one's deeds before Allah, words used when assuring someone of one's honesty

allaah ko mu.nh dikhaanaa hai

allaah shukr KHore ko shukr detaa hai

one somehow gets his/her heart's desire

allaah kii baate.n allaah hii jaane

allaah allaah

good God! my goodness! good gracious!

allaah yaar to be.Daa paar

Meaning ofSee meaning laa-haula-valaa-quvvata-illaa-billaah in English, Hindi & Urdu


ला-हौला-वला-क़ुव्वता-इल्ला-बिल्लाहلا حَولَ وَلا قُوَّۃَ اِلّا بِاللہ

Origin: Arabic

Vazn : 2221221222221


English meaning of laa-haula-valaa-quvvata-illaa-billaah


  • 'there is no strength nor power but in (or by means of) God', there is no striving against fate (a deprecatory formula which Muslims repeat on the receipt of bad news, or on hearing of (or seeing) anything disagreeable, or to express aversion or contempt, or to drive away evil spirits)
  • the parameter of Rubai

ला-हौला-वला-क़ुव्वता-इल्ला-बिल्लाह के हिंदी अर्थ


  • ईश्वर के अतिरिक्त किसी में शक्ति नही अर्थात: शैतान, भूत आदि जैसे बुरी प्रवृत्ति और क्रोध से मुक्ति पाने के लिए उपयोगित है
  • उर्दू या फ़ारसी की एक प्रकार की केविता जिसमें चार मिसरे होते हैं उसका एक वज़न

لا حَولَ وَلا قُوَّۃَ اِلّا بِاللہ کے اردو معانی


  • خدا کے سوا کسی میں زور و توانائی نہیں، مراد، شیطان بھوت، جملہ خبائث اور غصّے کو دفع کرنے کی غرض سے نیزاظہار نفرت کے لیے مستعمل
  • رباعی کا ایک وزن

Showing search results for: English meaning of laahaulavalaakuvvataillaabillaah, English meaning of laahaulavalaaquvvataillaabillaah

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