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Showing results for "apnii"


own, self, of or belonging to self



self, own


my, mine, our, ours, one's

apnii sii

apnii karnii


apnii vaalii

apnii lagnaa

apnii aisii

apnii jagah

apnii lenaa

apnii apnii pa.Dnaa

to be keen each after his own interests or affairs

apnii paraa.ii

apnii 'izzat apne haath

repute depends upon one's actions

apnii apnii taqdiir

apnii pa.Dii hai

apnii apnii gor, apnii apnii manzil

everyone is answerable for his/ her actions

apnii Garaz ko

apnii gaanaa

talk about oneself, blow one's own trumpet

apnii apnii jagah

each in its proper place, respective or assigned places

apnii raah lo

be off, mind your own business

apnii raah le

apnii e.Dii dekhnaa

looking at the heel (spoken on an occasion when wishing to forestall or remove the effect of evil eye or black magic)


apnii gau.n kaa

apnii gu.Diyaa sa.nvaarnaa

apnii daa.Dhii sab bujhaate hai.n

apnii Garaz baavlii

apnii ba.Daa.ii apne haath hai

apnii nii.nd sonaa apnii nii.nd jaagnaa

apnii nii.nd sonaa apnii nii.nd uThnaa

apnii apnii nigaah

apnii fasde.n lo

apnii apnii qismat

apnii raah lag

apnii apnii tabii'at

apnii girah se

from one's own pocket

apnii haa.nknaa

go on blathering without listening to others

apnii e.Dii-choTii dekhnaa

apnii apnii haa.nknaa

apnii pii.D paraa.ii baate.n

apnii haa.ii-maraa.ii ko.ii nahi.n bhuultaa

apnii taraf dekhe.n

apnii KHushii se

on one's own, voluntarily

apnii muu.nchh mu.nDaa duu.n

apnii 'aql aur paraa.ii daulat ba.Dii maa'luum hotii hai

an arrogant man always considers himself wiser and other people wealthier out of envy

apnii nii.nd sonaa

be one's own master, be carefree

apnii to ye deh bhii nahii.n

apnii guu.n gaa.nThnaa

act selfishly

apnii haa.ii aur par ga.nvaa.ii

apnii piiTh nahii.n dikhaa.ii detii

apnii girah kaa

apnii marzii se

voluntarily, of one's own will or consent

apnii savaabadiid ke mutaabiq

according to one's discretion

apnii baanii na chho.Dnaa

apnii bhuuk khaana apnii nii.nd sonaa

be wholly independent, live in peace

apnii nii.nd sonaa apnii bhuuk khaanaa

apnii taraf dekh

apnii buraa.ii duusre par chhaa.ii

Meaning ofSee meaning apnii in English, Hindi & Urdu



Vazn : 22

English meaning of apnii

Adjective, Feminine

  • own, self, of or belonging to self

Sher Examples

اَپْنی کے اردو معانی

صفت، مؤنث

  • اپنا کی تانیت

Rhyming words of apnii

Showing search results for: English meaning of apnee, English meaning of apni

Citation Index: See the sources referred to in building Rekhta Dictionary

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