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Showing results for "'am"


the name of thirtieth chapter of Holy Quran


common, public, universal, general, usual


the mango, the fruit of the Mangifera indica



the moonless night before the new moon



work, labour, service, employment, business, office, post


paternal uncle's daughter, cousin



paternal aunt, father's sister


paternal uncle, father's brother



(son or daughter) of one's paternal uncle, cousin




the sheet or cloth that one winds upon the head, a turban, a tiara, headgear


cousin, paternal uncle's son


based on action




deep, profound


important personality, dignitary, leader


a kind of pigeon, a kind of stone, a kind of apple or melon


abundant, common, general, universal, comprehensive, full, complete



amber-like, of the colour or odour of ambergris



intention, purpose, aim, design




a person who works a lot, a hardworking person


leaders, respectable and honourable people, people of high rank


turban, crown, builder, architect,


third hypothetical person (as Harry in 'Tom, Dick and Harry')


a litter or seat with a canopy, to ride in (on an elephant, when it has no canopy it is called a hauda)


a city in Jordan



tightly wrapped cloth around the cap, turban



an official, a subordinate officer, a (native) clerk

















intentionally, deliberately, purposely, willfully, with malice prepense





one in command, officer, agent, executive




Meaning ofSee meaning 'am in English, Hindi & Urdu



Origin: Arabic

Vazn : 2

Word Family: a-m-m

English meaning of 'am

Noun, Masculine

  • the name of thirtieth chapter of Holy Quran
  • paternal uncle, father's brother

Sher Examples

'अम के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, पुल्लिंग

  • क़ुरान-ए-पाक के तीसवीं सिपारे का नाम, पवित्र कुरान का तीसवां अध्याय
  • चचा, बाप का भाई, पितृभ्राता

عَم کے اردو معانی

اسم، مذکر

  • چچا، باپ کا بھائی
  • قرآن پاک کے تیسویں سپارے کا نام ” غمّ یستألون “ کا مخفف پارہ عمّ، سیپارۂ عَم

Synonyms of 'am

Compound words of 'am

Showing search results for: English meaning of am

Citation Index: See the sources referred to in building Rekhta Dictionary

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