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Showing results for "'aaq"


refractory, rebellious, disobedient, undutiful


'aaq honaa


deed of disinheritance


letter declaring forfeit of any inheritance


'aaq karnaa

disinherit (a son or daughter)


wise man, sage, man of intelligence or understanding, intelligent, wise, sensible




'aaq farmaanaa

to disinherit (a son or a daughter)


wise (woman)


'aaq kar denaa


infertile (man or woman)


intelligent, wisdom, ingenuity


calamity, misfortune



conclusion, termination, end





in a wise manner, wisely, prudently





harmful for the prospects of life hereafter



the one who have an aye on foresight


pellitory, Anacyclus pyrethrum, a Mediterranean plant containing a volatile oil of medical value



after-life and religion


keeping eye on result, foresight, cleverness, regard to the end or issue or consequence, a looking to the future, far-sightedness, foresight, prudence


eventually, after all, finally, in the end



prudent, far-seeing, far-sighted, discreet


sage of the times

'aaqibat ban.naa


wise ones of the city


at last, at long last, termination of the business, the long and short of a matter


farsightedness, regard to the end or issue or consequence, a looking to the future, far-sightedness; foresight, prudence



'aaqibat biga.Dnaa

be damned by (one's) sinful conduct

'aaqibat bigaa.Dnaa

become a sinner, jeopardize chances of salvation, mar or jeopardize (one's) future state of bliss

'aaqibat kaa jo.Daa







one without foresight, farsightedness or prudence

'aaqibat khonaa


eyes, lens of a microscope, lens



'aaqibat sa.nvaarnaa

'aaqibat baKHshvaanaa

'aaqibat sa.nvar jaanaa



'aaqibat ba-KHair honaa

Meaning ofSee meaning 'aaq in English, Hindi & Urdu



Origin: Arabic

Vazn : 21

English meaning of 'aaq

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calamity, misfortune

Sher Examples

'आक़ के हिंदी अर्थ


  • नाफ़रमान, अवज्ञाकारी, पापी, माता-पिता या गुरू का अवज्ञाकारी
  • ख़राब या बुरे आचरण वाले पुत्र/पुत्री से माता-पिता का संबंध विक्षेद करना और पैतृक सम्पत्ति से वंचित कर देना, बहिष्कृत व्यक्ति, परित्याग व्यक्ति
  • त्याग किया हुआ, वंचित किया हुआ, छोड़ा हुआ

عاق کے اردو معانی


  • نافرمان، سرکش، عاصی، ماں باپ یا استاد کا نافرمان
  • وہ اولاد جسے ماں باپ نافرمان قرار دے کر حقوق وراثت سے محروم کر دیں، محروم وراثت، محروم الارث
  • ترک کیا ہوا، مسترد، متروک

Synonyms of 'aaq

Compound words of 'aaq

Showing search results for: English meaning of aak, English meaning of aaq

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