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call to summon domestic pets, fowl and cattle


aa ke

aa aa jaanaa

to come time and again, come again and again, come repeatedly, come successively, come one after another

aa aa kar

time and again. again and again, successively, one after another

aa aa karnaa

(music) do practice for singing, start singing

aa aa karke

coming again and again, repeatedly,

aa aa ba.De baap kii beTii hai to panja kar le


a vocative hinting a sigh like aah


عسکریات: anti-aircraft.


I mean

aa rahnaa

come and stay, reside even when unwelcome

aa kar

after arrival, post-coming

aa dekhe

came to see

aa dekho

aa dekhnaa

aa jaanaa

come, arrive, happen to come

aa dekh

aa pa.Dnaa

invade, attack, assault, burst upon

aa lagnaa

come close

aa milnaa

come over, change sides, join, meet

aa saknaa

aa chalnaa

aa cha.Dhnaa

aa dabaanaa

aa dabaknaa

aa lenaa

overtake, gain upon, catch (on the road), reach

aa paka.Dnaa

seize, to arrest

aa bhi.Dnaa

to come into collision, clash, rush at, quarrel, squabble


hold! stop! cease! enough!

aa ba.ndhnaa

aa dha.nsnaa

to find or make room, achieve a secure place

aa pahu.nchnaa

to come, reach, arrive, make it to, end up to

aa dharnaa

aa jhaa.nknaa

to visit someone rarely, occasionally

aa ban.naa

to confront

aa pha.nsnaa

to get caught, get trapped

aa kuudnaa

to meddle, disturb, interfere, intervene

aa dabochnaa

pounce upon, hold down

aa dhamaknaa

come suddenly, come unexpectedly or uninvited, blowing

aa baiThnaa

come and sit down

aa ghernaa

surround, encircle, besiege

aa khaTaknaa

aa chuko

aa chuknaa

aa chukaa

aa chuke

aa TuuTnaa

aa girnaa

pounce upon, fall upon, assembled

aa marnaa

aa basnaa

aa chhupnaa

aa nikalnaa

come by chance, turn up

aa pukaarnaa

aa samaanaa

aa Thaharnaa

to get peace or repose, become calm and composed, be settled or resolved

aa jamnaa

aa ghirnaa

to cover, spread over, encircle, surround, enclose

aa Tapaknaa

to appear suddenly or unexpectedly.

aa lipaTnaa

clasp or hold, come and surround, fall suddenly upon, fall to each other

Meaning ofSee meaning aa-aa in English, Hindi & Urdu


आ-आآ آ

English meaning of aa-aa

  • call to summon domestic pets, fowl and cattle

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Showing search results for: English meaning of aa, English meaning of aaaa

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