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Showing results for "mauqa'"


a place where anything falls, or happens

mauqa' kaa

appropriate, according to will, which is appropriate on time

mauqa' kii

opportune, proper, appropriate, fit, suitable

mauqa' aanaa


mauqa' denaa

to give an opportunity, or occasion

mauqa' honaa

to be appropriate, having the right time

mauqa' pa.Dnaa

to coincident

mauqa' paanaa

to get opportunity, looking for opportunity

mauqa' ban.naa

find an opportune time, an opportunity to occur, or to present itself

mauqa' rahnaa

to get opportunity

mauqa' karnaa

copulate, to intercourse

mauqa' milnaa

an opportunity to present itself (to), to meet with, or to get, an opportunity


diplomat, opportunist, tactful

mauqa' khonaa

to let slip an opportunity

mauqa' taknaa

to look for favorable conditions or opportunities

mauqa' chalnaa

داؤ چلنا، موقع لگنا

mauqa' dekhnaa

to look, or watch for, an opportunity

mauqa' taa.Dnaa

looking for favorable time

mauqa' paka.Dnaa

to seize the occasion, not to let slip an opportunity

mauqa' paa-kar

موقع دیکھ کر، موقعے سے فائدہ اٹھاکر


knowing or recognizing the chance or opportunity, opportunism, diplomat

mauqa' se

according to time, opportunely, seasonably, timely

mauqa' jamaanaa

having intercourse

mauqa' Dhuu.nDnaa

looking for an opportunities, looking for the right time

mauqa' nikalnaa

کسی بات کا پہلو نکلنا


opportunity to express

mauqa' dikhlaanaa

to do aware about any hard time


site or scene of an incident or crime, the place where a crime has been committed, the place of incident

mauqa' par

in the right place, at the proper time, on occasion

mauqa' nikaalnaa

find the appropriate time for a task

mauqa' me.n

on time



mauqa' ko kho denaa

وقت پر کام نہ کرنا

mauqa' kho denaa

to let slip an opportunity

mauqa' ga.nvaa denaa

to waste time, not taking advantage from an opportunity

mauqa' par cha.Dhnaa

arrive at the site

mauqa' Te.Dhaa honaa

situation not to be favorable

mauqa' paa jaanaa

to get an opportunity

mauqa' aa pa.Dnaa

موقع آنا ، نوبت آجانا ۔

mauqa' haath aanaa

an opportunity to come to hand

mauqa' na milnaa

to not get opportunity

mauqa' Ganiimat jaannaa

favorable conditions

mauqa' baham pahu.nchaanaa

to give opportunity

mauqa' jaane denaa

to let slip an opportunity

mauqa' naazuk honaa

having a difficult and complicated time

mauqa' aan ke pa.Dnaa

موقع آنا ، نوبت آجانا ۔

mauqa' faraaham karnaa

to give opportunity or occasion

mauqa' Ganiimat samajhnaa

رک : موقع غنیمت جاننا ۔

mauqa' nikal jaanaa

opportunity to be lost, an opportunity to pass away, or escape

mauqa' haath lagnaa

an opportunity to come to hand

mauqa' haath se denaa

an opportunity to pass away, or escape, or be lost

mauqa' se faa.ida uThaanaa

work at the proper and appropriate time

mauqa' kii nazaakat bhaa.npnaa

to aware about hard time

mauqa' haath na aanaa

not having the appropriate time

mauqa' haath se jaanaa

pass-out time to do something, to miss the opportunity, to lost the opportunity

mauqa' kii munaasabat se

according to suitable time

mauqa' kii taa.D me.n rahnaa

to keep eye on an appropriate time, opportunity

mauqa' haath se ga.nvaa denaa

to let slip an opportunity


situation and a scene in a story or drama


from time to time, at times, sometimes, occasionally, as and when needed

Meaning ofSee meaning mauqa' in English, Hindi & Urdu



Origin: Arabic

Vazn : 22

Plural: mavaaqe'

Root word: vaq'a

Word Family: v-q-a

English meaning of mauqa'

Noun, Masculine, Singular

Explanatory Video

Sher Examples

मौक़ा' के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, पुल्लिंग, एकवचन

  • स्थान, मुक़ाम, जगह, (लाक्षाणिक) मार्ग
  • उपयुक्त समय, विशेष समय, विशेष स्थान
  • वो स्थान जहाँ कोई चीज़ घटित हो, घटित होने का स्थान, घटनास्थल
  • ऐसा समय जब कोई काम ठीक तरह से होने को हो या हो सकता हो, अवसर, सुयोग
  • (व्याकरण) प्रयोग की जगह
  • अवसर, मोहलत

    उदाहरण ख़ुशी के मौक़ा पर दोस्त एक दूसरे की शिकायत भूल जाते हैं

  • विषेश स्थान

مَوقَع کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu

اسم، مذکر، واحد

  • مقام، جگہ، محل
  • (مجازاً) راستہ
  • (کسی کام یا چیز کے لیے) مناسب وقت، محل موزوں، خاص وقت، خاص مقام
  • وہ جگہ جہاں کوئی چیز واقع ہو جائے، (کسی امر کے) واقع ہونے کی جگہ، جائے وقوع، محل وقوع
  • (قواعد) محل استعمال
  • اوسر، مہلت

    مثال مرے پھولوں میں کیا ہے موقع ہنسی کا نہ اتنا بھی بے درد ہو دل کسی کا (امیر)

  • جائے مخصوصہ

Urdu meaning of mauqa'

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • muqaam, jagah, mahl
  • (majaazan) raasta
  • (kisii kaam ya chiiz ke li.e) munaasib-e-vaqt, mahl mauzuun, Khaas vaqt, Khaas muqaam
  • vo jagah jahaa.n ko.ii chiiz vaaqya ho jaaye, (kisii amar ke) vaaqya hone kii jagah, jaaye vaquua, mahl vaquua
  • ( mahl istimaal
  • avsar, mohlat
  • jaaye maKhsosaa

Synonyms of mauqa'

Interesting Information on mauqa'

موقع دیکھئے: ’’موقعہ‘‘۔

ماخذ: لغات روز مرہ    
مصنف: شمس الرحمن فاروقی

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a place where anything falls, or happens

mauqa' kaa

appropriate, according to will, which is appropriate on time

mauqa' kii

opportune, proper, appropriate, fit, suitable

mauqa' aanaa


mauqa' denaa

to give an opportunity, or occasion

mauqa' honaa

to be appropriate, having the right time

mauqa' pa.Dnaa

to coincident

mauqa' paanaa

to get opportunity, looking for opportunity

mauqa' ban.naa

find an opportune time, an opportunity to occur, or to present itself

mauqa' rahnaa

to get opportunity

mauqa' karnaa

copulate, to intercourse

mauqa' milnaa

an opportunity to present itself (to), to meet with, or to get, an opportunity


diplomat, opportunist, tactful

mauqa' khonaa

to let slip an opportunity

mauqa' taknaa

to look for favorable conditions or opportunities

mauqa' chalnaa

داؤ چلنا، موقع لگنا

mauqa' dekhnaa

to look, or watch for, an opportunity

mauqa' taa.Dnaa

looking for favorable time

mauqa' paka.Dnaa

to seize the occasion, not to let slip an opportunity

mauqa' paa-kar

موقع دیکھ کر، موقعے سے فائدہ اٹھاکر


knowing or recognizing the chance or opportunity, opportunism, diplomat

mauqa' se

according to time, opportunely, seasonably, timely

mauqa' jamaanaa

having intercourse

mauqa' Dhuu.nDnaa

looking for an opportunities, looking for the right time

mauqa' nikalnaa

کسی بات کا پہلو نکلنا


opportunity to express

mauqa' dikhlaanaa

to do aware about any hard time


site or scene of an incident or crime, the place where a crime has been committed, the place of incident

mauqa' par

in the right place, at the proper time, on occasion

mauqa' nikaalnaa

find the appropriate time for a task

mauqa' me.n

on time



mauqa' ko kho denaa

وقت پر کام نہ کرنا

mauqa' kho denaa

to let slip an opportunity

mauqa' ga.nvaa denaa

to waste time, not taking advantage from an opportunity

mauqa' par cha.Dhnaa

arrive at the site

mauqa' Te.Dhaa honaa

situation not to be favorable

mauqa' paa jaanaa

to get an opportunity

mauqa' aa pa.Dnaa

موقع آنا ، نوبت آجانا ۔

mauqa' haath aanaa

an opportunity to come to hand

mauqa' na milnaa

to not get opportunity

mauqa' Ganiimat jaannaa

favorable conditions

mauqa' baham pahu.nchaanaa

to give opportunity

mauqa' jaane denaa

to let slip an opportunity

mauqa' naazuk honaa

having a difficult and complicated time

mauqa' aan ke pa.Dnaa

موقع آنا ، نوبت آجانا ۔

mauqa' faraaham karnaa

to give opportunity or occasion

mauqa' Ganiimat samajhnaa

رک : موقع غنیمت جاننا ۔

mauqa' nikal jaanaa

opportunity to be lost, an opportunity to pass away, or escape

mauqa' haath lagnaa

an opportunity to come to hand

mauqa' haath se denaa

an opportunity to pass away, or escape, or be lost

mauqa' se faa.ida uThaanaa

work at the proper and appropriate time

mauqa' kii nazaakat bhaa.npnaa

to aware about hard time

mauqa' haath na aanaa

not having the appropriate time

mauqa' haath se jaanaa

pass-out time to do something, to miss the opportunity, to lost the opportunity

mauqa' kii munaasabat se

according to suitable time

mauqa' kii taa.D me.n rahnaa

to keep eye on an appropriate time, opportunity

mauqa' haath se ga.nvaa denaa

to let slip an opportunity


situation and a scene in a story or drama


from time to time, at times, sometimes, occasionally, as and when needed

Showing search results for: English meaning of mauka, English meaning of mauqa

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