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Showing results for "Gulaam"


learned, intelligent, knowledgeable, wise


the world, universe


more or most knowing, most knowledgeable, highly educated


a female scholar, intellectual, genius



scholarly, erudite, very learned


the knower of the unseen, one who knows everything, knower of the unknown, i.e. God


one knowing all



a scholar of the times


the knower of the unseen, one who knows everything, knower of the unknown, i.e. God


learned, wise, sage, wisely, like a sage



a scholar who does not act according to his knowledge


scholar who acts according to his sayings


scholarly, erudite, very learned (Feminine of aalim-faazil)






world-traversing, great traveller


friend of world, the one who knows the world very well,



(Metaphorically) the sun


creating a world, praise of the world


decoration of world


saviour of the world, a mode of address for royalty


one who knows the world, famous, popular, renowned


'aalam digar-guu.n honaa


manifested in the world



manifested in the world



world war, worldwide war

'aalam gavaah honaa

'aalam 'aalam

everywhere, in the whole world,very, much

'aalam me.n mash.huur honaa

'aalam me.n nashr honaa

'aalam dekhnaa


'aalam-'aalam honaa

different states or emotions to overwhelm


brightening the world, Illuminator of the world (commonly used for sun and moon)


world-adorning, world regulating




world after world


appearing like world


world deceiving

'aalam guzarnaa

to be in a distinct state or trance

'aalam dikhaanaa


'aalam dikhlaanaa


kingship, ruling


'aalam fil-Haarij

'aalam nazar aanaa

of one's condition to become evident

'aalam ikaTThaa jama' honaa

'aalam ko munavvar karnaa

'aalam badal jaanaa

the state of world to change

'aalam ko bargashta rakhnaa

Meaning ofSee meaning Gulaam in English, Hindi & Urdu



Origin: Arabic

Vazn : 121

Plural: Gulaamaa.n

Tags: Figurative

Word Family: G-l-m

English meaning of Gulaam

Noun, Masculine, Singular

Sher Examples

ग़ुलाम के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, पुल्लिंग, एकवचन

غُلام کے اردو معانی

اسم، مذکر، واحد

  • اطاعت و فرماں برداری کرنے والا، مطیع، تابع، فرمانبردار، اطاعت گزار
  • خادم ، نوکر ، خدمت گزار
  • زرخرید چھوکرا جو بے تنخواہ گھر کا کام کرے ، زر خرید نو کر
  • گنجفے کی چوتھی بازی کا نام جسکے پتّوں کا رنگ سفید اور اس پر مورت کا چھاپا ہوتا ہے نیز تاش کی بازی کا وہ پتّا جو دہلے سے بڑا اور بیگم سے کم قیمت ہوتا ہے اور اسپرغلام کی تصویر بنی ہوتی ہے .
  • نوجوان ، لڑکا .
  • (بطور انکسار متکلم اپنے لیے استعمال کرتا ہے) ہندہ ، خاک کسار ، کمترین
  • غلامی کی نشانی کے طور پر کوڑیاں پہننے والا غلام، بے قدر غلام، بے عزت خادم، مفت کا نوکر
  • (کنایۃً) نہایت مطیع و فرمانبردار شخص

Antonyms of Gulaam

Showing search results for: English meaning of ghulaam, English meaning of ghulam

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