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Showing results for "'aalima"


a female scholar, intellectual, genius


scholarly, erudite, very learned (Feminine of aalim-faazil)


learned, wise, sage, wisely, like a sage


place of awesome stillness, state of nothingness (except God)


world without any belief of latent or manifest

aalam-e-vujuud me.n aanaa


condition of being in love



prison conditions


state of life


state of rapture



the world above, the Heaven


the world of spirits




world of existence


state of being in embrace


eternal world, the afterlife


state of creating


visible world, state or condition of being present, being an eye-witness, in Sufism the sight of God


world of trust, the world which appears to be there and thus authentic


world of non-existence


state of dream


the upper world, the universe that is apart of the world


world of understanding, the known universe


the world of the heart, the state of the heart


state of frenzy


state of fate


state of Scary


world-traversing, a great traveler, a globe-trotter


world of the demon of Mazandaran who was killed by Rustom


the appearing world


world of captivating persons


state of gain & loss


state of desires and temptations



state of no desire, disinterested


A world without fun


state of being heartless, disenchanted




a state of grief and sorrow



A state of disrespect


A state of possession by a jin


the material world, the animate universe



state of disturbed dream, sleep


the world of the city of silence, the state of cemetery


world of code of conduct of prison


the state of scattered hair


state of being near-death


A world full of spring


the world of innovation and coquetry


the state of being beside oneself, intoxicated, ecstasy


eternal world



new world


the world of beauty and love

Meaning ofSee meaning 'aalima in English, Hindi & Urdu



Origin: Arabic

Vazn : 212

Word Family: a-l-m

English meaning of 'aalima

Noun, Feminine

Sher Examples

'आलिमा के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, स्त्रीलिंग

  • विद्वान् स्त्री, विदुषी, जानने वाली, विद्या रखने वाली
  • जानने की ऊर्जा, मालूम करने की योग्यता

عالِمَہ کے اردو معانی

اسم، مؤنث

  • جاننے والی، علم رکھنے والی
  • جاننے کی قوت، معلوم کرنے کی صلاحیت

Showing search results for: English meaning of aalima, English meaning of alima

Citation Index: See the sources referred to in building Rekhta Dictionary

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