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Showing results for "'alaa"



on, upon, above, at


besides, moreover


'alaa qadr

'alaa qadr

'alaa vaj.h


on this measure, in the same manner, in like manner, similarly, and the like


mark, sign, token



in the usual manner, as usual, as before





till, to, up to, until


separate, separately, being apart, apart

'alaa qadr-e-haal


'alaa ruusul-ash.haad

'alaa ruusul-ash.haad


'alaa vaj.hul-kamaal

'alaa vaj.hul-kamaal

'alaa vaj.hul-basiirat

'alaa vaj.hul-basiirat

'alaa sabiilut-tazkira

'alaa sabiilut-tazkira

'alaa qadr-e-maraatib




upholding, elevation, upraising


affections, studies, attachments, relations

'alaa qadr-e-haisiyyat

'alaa qadr-e-haisiyyat


کی جمع۔.


each according to his or her status


manifest, open


On this measure, in the same manner, in like manner, similarly, and the like


'alaa sabiilit-tartiib


illness, infirmity, sickness, ailment, malady


each according to his or her status


mark, sign, index




marks, signs, symptoms, symbols




separation, the action or state of moving or being moved apart


entreaty, solicitation, importunity









independently of this, notwithstanding that

'alaava is ke

in addition to this, moreover



(Scribe) in writing, there is a pause between two sentences or words for which different symbols are assigned



lust for the worldly wealth


Meaning ofSee meaning 'alaa in English, Hindi & Urdu



Origin: Arabic

Vazn : 12

'अला के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, पुल्लिंग

  • शोर, कोलाहल, चीख़ना और चिल्लाना, मुँह से ज़ोर की आवाज़ें निकालना

عَلا کے اردو معانی

اسم، مذکر

  • شورو غُل، غوغا، غل غپاڑہ، من٘ھ سے زور کی آوازیں نکالنا

Compound words of 'alaa

Showing search results for: English meaning of ala, English meaning of alaa

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