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Showing results for "'alaamatii"




علامت نگاری ، اشاریت .


(ادب) اشاروں، کتابوں کا اسلوب


symbolic poetry


story told through symbols, symbolic story, a story in which objects, persons, or situations have another meaning other than their obvious meanings


story told through symbols, symbolic story, a story in which objects, persons, or situations have another meaning other than their obvious meanings


(ارضیات) لمیٹا (رک) سے متعلق ، لمیٹا کا.


informative, knowledgeable


an unbeliever, a sceptic, an irreligious person, one who does not observe the religious precepts of Islām

maa'luumaatii kitaabcha

وہ چھوٹی کتاب جس میں کسی چیز سے متعلق معلومات درج ہوں


the decreed knowledge

Meaning ofSee meaning 'alaamatii in English, Hindi & Urdu



Origin: Arabic

Vazn : 1212

Word Family: a-l-m

English meaning of 'alaamatii


  • symbolic

Sher Examples

علامتی کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu


  • علامت سے منسوب، اشارتی (انگ Symbloism)

Urdu meaning of 'alaamatii

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • alaamat se mansuub, ishaaratii (ang Symbloism

Rhyming words of 'alaamatii

Compound words of 'alaamatii

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علامت نگاری ، اشاریت .


(ادب) اشاروں، کتابوں کا اسلوب


symbolic poetry


story told through symbols, symbolic story, a story in which objects, persons, or situations have another meaning other than their obvious meanings


story told through symbols, symbolic story, a story in which objects, persons, or situations have another meaning other than their obvious meanings


(ارضیات) لمیٹا (رک) سے متعلق ، لمیٹا کا.


informative, knowledgeable


an unbeliever, a sceptic, an irreligious person, one who does not observe the religious precepts of Islām

maa'luumaatii kitaabcha

وہ چھوٹی کتاب جس میں کسی چیز سے متعلق معلومات درج ہوں


the decreed knowledge

Showing search results for: English meaning of alaamatee, English meaning of alaamati

Citation Index: See the sources referred to in building Rekhta Dictionary

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