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Showing results for "pooh"
Urdu words for pooh
pooh के देवनागरी में उर्दू अर्थ
- छी
pooh کے اردو معانی
- چھی
Related searched words
blow, breath, puff, the act of blowing, a puff of hookah,(something) very light in weight,(something) very thin, light (ornament), charm or incantation breathed over someone
(of the eye) to cause to go blind, divulge (a secret), disclose, eat gluttonously, split, shatter
(of a secret) to leak out, trickle out, (of blisters) erupt all over the body, (of colour or light) appear, spread, (of the eye) become blind, (of the head) be injured, smashed, be diffused (as smell), go away, part, separate, gush (tears or water), rise, shoot, bud, germinate, say, open the mouth, to be broken into, be broken, be separated, split, burst
begging, mendicancy, circuit, returned, hawking, trick, a brief stay, a flying visit, circumambulation, go round
a kind of melon which splits up when ripe, crack, break, breach, split, fissure, rift, opening, gap, discord, dissension, quarrel, separation, root
ambiguity, equivocation, return, misfortune, distance, winding, turn, twist, bend, curvature, change, variation, difference, circle, circulation, round, circumference, dilemma, perplexity
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