Words tagged under "Days"
List of Urdu words and terms related with "Days" consisting of definitions, descriptions, elucidations and topical and subject-specific categorizations
days, times, duration, menstruation period, seasons
wisdom, sense, intellect, prudence
gahne kaa taar baaqii nahii.n
ghar me.n kuudnaa
to make one's home with the intent of a heist
silent, mute, dumb, disappoint, depressed, abstracted
gust, height of flame, scent
account, ledger, luck, fate, price, rates, state, condition, written
buy, borrow, adopt, catch, lay, hold of, conquer, win, draw, absorb, suck in, drink, take, obtain, get, receive, accept, usurp, assume, seize, capture
loaded, lifted, attributed, predicated, bearing, laden, carried, presumed, surmised, guessed
mansuuba banaanaa
to plan, to make strategy, to think, to program, design, project
dry leave of the bush called jharberi (جھڑبیری)
pallaa bhaarii honaa
be far or distant, be very sinful, have a large family, have many supporters, have the upper hand, the flap of a shawl etc to be heavily embroidered, to be weighty