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dry, wither, evaporate to dryness, to wilt, wither, dwindle, shrivel, become thin or emaciated


drying, withering


to acquire knowledge



a Sikh woman, wife of a Sikh


one of the four kinds of women according to Hindi Kama-shastra


teach, instruct, tutor, suggest (to)


dry, dehydrate, evaporate to dryness


bee, fly


saakh honaa

have good credit or repute


shaakii honaa

to complain (of)

shaaq honaa

shauq honaa

have a taste for, take pleasure (in)

shaq honaa

be torn, be rent, be split

mu.nh suukhnaa

the mouth to become dry or parched, the face to become thin or emaciated

mu.nh suukhnaa

the mouth to become dry or parched, the face to become thin or emaciated

dam suukhnaa

be frightened, one's blood to freeze

duudh suukhnaa

zabaan suukhnaa

tongue to be dry (due to long and continuous talking), getting upset about the tongue praising or taking names,

halq suukhnaa

ho.nT suukhnaa

aa.nte.n suukhnaa

be very hungry

jii suukhnaa

jaan suukhnaa

galaa suukhnaa

throat becoming dry due to screaming

pasiinaa suukhnaa

chehra suukhnaa

lahuu suukhnaa

be petrified with a grief, be terrorized

aabla suukhnaa

kanTh suukhnaa

be very thirsty

dhuup me.n suukhnaa

intizaar me.n suukhnaa

siikhnaa na sikhaanaa naahaq sar pho.Dnaa

paliyo.n KHuun suukhnaa

taa'riif karte mu.nh suukhnaa

kaa.nTe kii tara suukhnaa

to be very weak, to be very thin

sikhaane vaalaa

teacher, tutor, instructor, trainer

taa'riif karte mu.nh na suukhnaa

lavish praise, praise very highly

sehre ke phuul na suukhnaa

qavaa'id sikhaanaa


luqmaan ko 'aql sikhaanaa

lachchhan siikhnaa

learn (good or bad) manners

dikhaav siikhnaa

'aadat siikhnaa


'aql sikhaanaa

kaa.nTe kii tarah sukhaanaa

to become very weak, to become very thing


ho.nT mu.nh sukhaanaa

mu.nh sukhaanaa

aadmiyat sikhaanaa

civilize, polish, teach politeness or good manners

duud sukhaanaa


sweet-talking, sugar-coated conversations

do suKHane

zabaanii siikhnaa

zulm siikhnaa

zabaan siikhnaa

zulm sikhaanaa

Meaning ofSee meaning suukhnaa in English, Hindi & Urdu



Origin: Hindi

Vazn : 212

Tags: Archaic

English meaning of suukhnaa


  • dry, wither, evaporate to dryness, to wilt, wither, dwindle, shrivel, become thin or emaciated

Sher Examples

सूखना के हिंदी अर्थ


  • जलहीन होना, जल न रहना, रस आदि से रहित होना, मुरझाना, नमी दूर होना, गीलापन दूर होना, ख़ुशक होना, घटना, कम होना, सिकुड़ना, उदास होना, रोग, चिंता आदि से दुबला होना, दुर्बल होना, नष्ट होना, डरना, ख़ौफ़ खाना, शर्मिंदा होना, कुढ़ना, किसी आर्द्र या तर पदार्थ का ऐसी स्थिति में आना कि उसकी आता या तरी नष्ट हो जाय, जैसे-गीली धोती सूखना, तरकारी या फल सूखना

سوُکْھنا کے اردو معانی


  • ۱۔ خُشک ہونا ، گھٹنا ، کم ہونا ، نمی دُور ہونا ۔
  • ۲۔ انتظار کی تکلیف برداشت کرنا ، راہ دیکھنا ۔
  • ۳۔ تڑپنا ، بیچین ہونا (اِنتظار وغیرہ میں)۔
  • ۴. دُبلا پتلا ہونا (خوف یا رن٘ج وغم اورعشق وغیرہ سے).
  • ۵۔ سُکڑنا (حجم کا کم ہو جانا)۔
  • ۶۔ شرمندہ ہونا ، افسردہ ہونا ، کُڑھنا .
  • ۷۔ ڈرنا ، خوف کھانا (قدیم).

Showing search results for: English meaning of sookhna, English meaning of sookhnaa

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