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Showing results for "jab-tab"


delay tactic, when-then, now and then, occasionally

jab kaa tab

jab jaisaa, tab taisaa

jab phe.nkaa tab paa.nche tiin

jab na tab

frequently, indiscriminately, never, not at all

jab chane the tab daa.nt na the, jab daa.nt hu.e tab chane nahii.n

nadii kinaare ruukha.Daa jab tab hoy banaaras

jab tak saa.ns, tab tak aas

where there is life, there is hope

jab tak jiinaa, tab tak siinaa

jab baavaa mare.nge tab bail baTe.nge

jab tak saaqii, tab tak aas

As long as there is a cup-bearer or protector, there is a hope.

jab lag saaqii tab lag aas

andhaa tab patyaa.e jab do aa.nkhe.n paa.e

jab bha.e sau, tab bhaag gayaa bhau

jab dekho tab haazir miyaa.n miTThuu kaa aTaalaa

jab bhii tiin aur ab bhii tiin, jab paa.e tab tiin hii tiin

jaaT maraa tab jaaniye jab terahvii.n ho jaa.e

a troublemaker can be a source of trouble even if he is out of sight

jab din aa.e bhale tab laDDuu maare chale

jab karii aas tab aa.ii tere paas

la.Dke ko jab bhe.Diyaa le gayaa tab TaTTii baa.ndhii

jab tak karuu.n baabuu tab tak karuu.n apne qaabuu

jab se jaame baal tab se yahii ahvaal

jaaT mara tab jaaniye jab tiijaa ho jaa.e

a troublemaker can be a source of trouble even if he is out of sight

darzii kaa la.Dkaa jab tak jiyegaa tab tak siyegaa

ba.Dii nanad shaitaan kii chha.Dii, jab dekho tab tiir sii kha.Dii

mev maraa tab jaaniye jab vaa kaa tiijaa ho

tab lag jhuuT na bolii.e jab lag paar basaa.e

huqqa bhar ba.Do.n ko diije jab sulagte tab aap hii piije

ahiir se tab gun nikle baaluu se jab ghii

jab tak dam hai, tab tak Gam hai

misery and trouble continue till the end of life

jab tak rikaabii me.n bhaat, tab tak meraa teraa saath

jab aise ho tab aise ho

sattuu man bhattuu jab ghole tab khaa.e dhaan bichaare bhale koTe khaa.e chale

sattuu man bhattuu jab galbaa tab khaa.e dhaan bichaare bhale koTe khaa.e chale

jab tak bahuu kuvaarii tab tak saas vaarii , bahuu aa.ii god me.n laaD gayaa hauz me.n

jab tak uu.nT pahaa.D ke niiche nahii.n aataa, tab tak vo jaantaa hai mujh se uu.nchaa ko.ii nahii.n

saa.ii.n apne chitt kii bhuul na kahiye koy, tab lag man me.n raakhiye jab lag kaaraj hoy

don't share your strategy. silence is a source of great strength, the less people know about your plans, the less they can interfere with them, not everyone needs to know the details of your journey. Stay low-key and let your success speak for itself, plans are best kept secret until they are accomplished. Protect your dreams and make them a reality

Meaning ofSee meaning jab-tab in English, Hindi & Urdu


जब-तबجَب تَب

Origin: Hindi

Vazn : 22

English meaning of jab-tab

Transitive verb

Sher Examples

जब-तब के हिंदी अर्थ

सकर्मक क्रिया

جَب تَب کے اردو معانی

فعل متعدی

  • گاہے ماہے ، کبھی کبھی ، وقناً فوقتاً ، وقت بے وقت ، موقع بے موقع.

Rhyming words of jab-tab

Showing search results for: English meaning of jabtab, English meaning of zabtab

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