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Showing results for "saa.ii.n apne chitt kii bhuul na kahiye koy, tab lag man me.n raakhiye jab lag kaaraj hoy"

saa.ii.n apne chitt kii bhuul na kahiye koy, tab lag man me.n raakhiye jab lag kaaraj hoy

don't share your strategy. silence is a source of great strength, the less people know about your plans, the less they can interfere with them, not everyone needs to know the details of your journey. Stay low-key and let your success speak for itself, plans are best kept secret until they are accomplished. Protect your dreams and make them a reality

Meaning ofSee meaning saa.ii.n apne chitt kii bhuul na kahiye koy, tab lag man me.n raakhiye jab lag kaaraj hoy in English, Hindi & Urdu

saa.ii.n apne chitt kii bhuul na kahiye koy, tab lag man me.n raakhiye jab lag kaaraj hoy

साईं अपने चित्त की भूल न कहिये कोय, तब लग मन में राखिये जब लग कारज होयسائِیں اَپْنے چِت کی بھول نَہ کہیے کوئے، تَب لَگ مَن میں راَکھیے جَب لَگ کارج ہوئے


English meaning of saa.ii.n apne chitt kii bhuul na kahiye koy, tab lag man me.n raakhiye jab lag kaaraj hoy

  • don't share your strategy. silence is a source of great strength, the less people know about your plans, the less they can interfere with them, not everyone needs to know the details of your journey. Stay low-key and let your success speak for itself, plans are best kept secret until they are accomplished. Protect your dreams and make them a reality

साईं अपने चित्त की भूल न कहिये कोय, तब लग मन में राखिये जब लग कारज होय के हिंदी अर्थ

  • अपने दिल का भेद भूल कर भी किसी को नहीं बताना चाहिये जब तक काम न हो जाए उसे दिल में रखना चाहिये
  • जब तक काम न हो जाए तब तक अपना मनोविचार किसी पर प्रकट नहीं करना चाहिये

سائِیں اَپْنے چِت کی بھول نَہ کہیے کوئے، تَب لَگ مَن میں راَکھیے جَب لَگ کارج ہوئے کے اردو معانی

  • اپنے دل کا راز بھول کر بھی کسی کو نہیں بتانا چاہیے جب تک کام نہ ہو جائے اُسے دل میں رکھنا چاہیے
  • جب تک کام نہ ہو جائے تب تک اپنا خیال کسی پر ظاہر نہیں کرنا چاہیے

Showing search results for: English meaning of saain apne chitt ki bhool na kahiye koy, English meaning of tab lag man men raakhiye jab lag kaaraj hoy

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saa.ii.n apne chitt kii bhuul na kahiye koy, tab lag man me.n raakhiye jab lag kaaraj hoy

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