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Showing results for "Gariibii"


enough, much, many, excessive, abundant, plentiful, too much, in or to a great degree, copious, very, very much, excessively, exceedingly




it is enough or more than needed

bahut sii

bahut saa

a great deal, rather too much, very much


many, so much people, crowd




bahut ko.ii

bahut hu.aa

bahut kahii

bahut kuchh

a good or great deal, plenty

bahut ba.Daa

all powerful, very large or big

bahut karnaa

bahut u.Dnaa

boast, brag, practise cunning, overreach

bahut duur


bahut tho.Daa

very little

bahut kar

bahut hogaa

bahut Thiik

quite well or right, all right, quite true

bahut achchhaa

very good, very well

bahut saaraa

a great deal, rather too much


bahut ek

bahut KHaase

bahut chuukaa

bahut KHaasii

bahut KHaasaa

bahut KHuub

very well, very good

bahut dam denaa

bahut kathanii, tho.Dii karnii

bahut puraanaa


bahut KHaak u.Daanaa

bahut ba.Dii bhuulnaa

bahut hii achchhaa

as good as gold, very well behaved, polite, courteous,chivalrous.

bahut ba.Dii 'umr hai

bahut paa.nv maarnaa

bahut paa.nv piiTnaa

bahut dam dilaasaa denaa

bahut qariib zyaada raqiib

bahut sonaa daliddar kii nishaanii

bahut duur dabak karnaa

bahut hu.aa hai

bahut hii bahut hai

bahut miThaa.ii me.n kii.De pa.Dte hai.n

bahut kaT ga.ii, tho.Dii rah ga.ii

only little life is left

bahut burii kii

bahut guzar ga.ii tho.Dii baaqii hai

bahut tere paa.nv piiTe

bahut bure aadmii ho

bahut yaar ban ga.e

bahut buraa kiyaa

did very bad, made big mistake

bahut chal nikalnaa

bahut sar paTKHaa

bahut nanhaa kaatte ho

bahut KHaak chhaanii hai

bahut maar me.n aadmii tauba bhuul jaataa hai

bahut maar me.n ronaa nahii.n aanaa

Meaning ofSee meaning Gariibii in English, Hindi & Urdu



Origin: Arabic

Vazn : 122

See meaning: Gariib

Word Family: G-r-b

English meaning of Gariibii

Noun, Feminine

  • state of exile, state of being in a foreign land, being a traveller away from home
  • poverty, penury, indigence

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Sher Examples

ग़रीबी के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, स्त्रीलिंग

غَرِیبی کے اردو معانی

اسم، مؤنث

  • مفلسی، ناداری، محتاجی
  • مسافرت، وطن سے دوری، پردیس
  • عاجزی، انکسار، سادگی، کھرا پن، معصومیت

Compound words of Gariibii

Showing search results for: English meaning of gareebee, English meaning of garibi

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