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Showing results for "bhii.D-bhaa.D"


glory, grandeur


sound of fire burning, crackle, crash



crowd, crowding, hustle-bustle

bhi.D bhi.Daa kar

in haste, hurriedly

bha.D bha.D karnaa

(door) bang

bhii.D bha.Dkkaa karnaa

create an uproar, assemble at one place

bha.D-bha.D kar


bhad bhada




crowd, throng, a mob

bhii.D kii bhii.D

a big crowd

bhii.D pa.Dnaa

bhi.D pa.Dnaa

join vigorously in a physical or verbal duel

hagnaa tho.Daa aur bha.D bha.D bahut

daa.nv bhed

dil ke bhed pa.Dhnaa

bhaa.D me.n pa.Do

bhaa.D me.n pa.De

kyaa bhe.D, kyaa bhe.D kii laat

kyaa bhii.D kiyaa bhii.D kii laat

bhad u.Dnaa

be humiliated or insulted

bhad u.Daanaa

mock, be little, disgrace, insult, humiliate

raa.nD, bhaa.nD, saa.nD big.De bure

The rage of woman, a player and a bull is something is very careful.

ha.D khaa.e.n bahe.D ugle.n


one who discloses a secret, tell-tale, blab


pa.De bhaa.D chuulhe me.n

let it go to hell, to hell with it


puzzle, riddle


ga.nvar budh bhe.D chaal

bhe.D kaa bachcha chho.D de

jaan par bhii.D pa.Dnaa

daav bhed

deception, cheating, fraud, trick, deceit, wile, maneuvers

bhaa.D me.n bhun.naa

bhi.D ke chhatte ko che.Dnaa

murGaa pashm bhe.D hazm

bhaa.D me.n jaa.e

bhuu.D ke huu.D hote hai.n

akelaa chanaa bhaa.D nahii.n pho.Dtaa

one flower does not make a garland, one swallow does not make a summer


bhe.D pe uun kis ne chho.Dii, bhe.D to jahaa.n jaa.egii muu.nDii jaa.egii

raa.nD bhaa.nD , saa.nD big.De bure

bhii.D chhaanaa

bhii.D chhaTnaa

(a crowd) be dispersed

bhaa.D bhun.naa

bhaado.n kii jha.Dii

continuous rain in August

bhaado.n ke be.De

akelaa chanaa kyaa bhaa.D pho.Degaa

one flower does not make a garland, one swallow does not make a summer


bhaado.n ke sa.Dke

bhaa.D dahaknaa

muu.ii bhe.D KHvaaja KHizar kii niyaaz

bhaa.D jho.nknaa

feed the fire in a kiln, etc.

aap suubedaar , biivii jho.nke bhaa.D


hornets. crowds

dillii me.n rah kar bhaa.D jho.nkaa

could not learn anything from able people

akelaa chanaa bhaa.D nhaii.n pho.D saktaa

one flower does not make a garland, one swallow does not make a summer

Meaning ofSee meaning bhii.D-bhaa.D in English, Hindi & Urdu


भीड़-भाड़بِھیڑ بَھاڑ

Origin: Hindi

Vazn : 2121

English meaning of bhii.D-bhaa.D

Noun, Feminine

  • glory, grandeur
  • hustle-bustle, excess, abundance, plenty

Sher Examples

भीड़-भाड़ के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, स्त्रीलिंग

  • धूम-धाम, महिमा
  • एक स्थान पर होने वाला बहुत से मनुष्यों का जमाव, अधिकता, प्रचुरता

بِھیڑ بَھاڑ کے اردو معانی

اسم، مؤنث

  • دھوم دھام، شان و شوکت
  • ایک جگہ پر انسانوں کا ہونے والا مجمع، کثرت، زیادتی، بہتات

Showing search results for: English meaning of bheedbhaad, English meaning of bheedbhad

Citation Index: See the sources referred to in building Rekhta Dictionary

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