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Showing results for "achchhii nazar se dekhnaa"

achchhii nazar se dekhnaa

to like, to opt, to honour, acknowledging someone's accomplishments in the heart

mutashakkii nazar se dekhnaa

to look suspiciously

bad-nazar se dekhnaa

mashkuuk nazar se dekhnaa

to doubt, to suspect

gandii nazar se dekhnaa

to leer, to ogle

miiThii nazar se dekhnaa

look lovingly

vaq'at kii nazar se dekhnaa

haqaarat-bharii nazar se dekhnaa

regard with contempt, look down upon

dushman kii nazar se dekhnaa

scan critically, evaluate or check without any leniency

haqaarat kii nazar se dekhnaa

regard with contempt, look down upon

sher kii nazar se dekhnaa

be very stern, watch closely or angrily

rashk kii nazar se dekhnaa

be envious, envy

haqaarat kii nazar-nigaah se dekhnaa

regard with contempt, look down upon

sab ko ek nazar se dekhnaa

sone kaa nivaala khilaanaa aur sher kii nazar se dekhnaa

to feed lavishly and keep an eagle's eye (to allude to luxurious but strictly disciplined upbringing)

nazar-e-Gaur se dekhnaa

to see penetratingly, to be reviewed in detail

nazar-e-istihsaan se dekhnaa

to look with affection, to like

niichii nazro.n se dekhnaa

look with downcast eyes, be ashamed

niichii niichii nazro.n se dekhnaa

Meaning ofSee meaning achchhii nazar se dekhnaa in English, Hindi & Urdu

achchhii nazar se dekhnaa

अच्छी नज़र से देखनाاَچّھی نَظَر سے دیکْھنا


English meaning of achchhii nazar se dekhnaa

  • to like, to opt, to honour, acknowledging someone's accomplishments in the heart

अच्छी नज़र से देखना के हिंदी अर्थ

  • पसंद करना, सम्मान करना, किसी की उपलब्धि को दिल से स्वीकार करना

اَچّھی نَظَر سے دیکْھنا کے اردو معانی

  • پسند کرنا، عزت کرنا، دل میں کسی کے کمالات کا اعتراف کرنا

Showing search results for: English meaning of achchhee nazar se dekhna, English meaning of achchhee nazar se dekhnaa

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achchhii nazar se dekhnaa

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