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Showing results for "'aaj"


ivory, elephant tusk


today, present moment


lacking strength or power, or ability, powerless, impotent, unable (to do), weak, feeble, helpless



helpless and woman



humility, meekness, submissiveness


not giving time, the world


quick, speedy, hasty, agile



flattery, sycophancy


humbly, meekly, helplessly, modestly


hastily, speedily, rapidly



the enamel


like helpless

'aajiz aanaa

feel utterly helpless


greed, avarice, covetousness


torturing to weaker

'aajiz honaa

to be helpless (against)


kind to the poor, one who is kind to the poor, courteous to strangers, hospitable

'aajiz karnaa

render one powerless or helpless, worry, harass, put pressure upon


help, to help poor people

'aajizii karnaa

implore, entreat, beseech, supplicate

'aajiz aa jaanaa

'aajiz kar denaa


'aajiz kar rakhnaa

to bother for periods

'aajizii sab ko pyaarii hai

'aajizii KHudaa ko bhii pasand hai

aaj kuu.n

aaj ko

aaj kii

today's, new

aaj ke

aaj kaa

new, modern, contemporary


aaj se

aaj kii aaj, aaj kii baras din me.n


till now, to this day

aaj aaj kaa bichchhuu kal kaa

aaj kidhar bhuul pa.Daa

aaj kidhar bhuul pa.De

aaj kidhar chaa.nd niklaa

aaj mai.n, kal tuu

aaj ke roz

aaj aa.ii kal ga.ii


aaj nahii.n kal

aaj ke din


aaj kal me.n

one of these days, soon, shortly, in a day or two

aaj ga.e kal aa.e

aaj kidhar se chaa.nd niklaa

aaj kidhar kaa chaa.nd niklaa

aaj mu.e kal duusraa din

the dead are soon forgotten, it is business as usual even after one's death

aaj mai.n nahii.n yaa voh nahii.n

aaj ke aaj aur sau baras me.n

what is to befall will befall

aaj ke thape aaj hii nahii.n jalte

aaj baservaa niyaar kal baservaa duur

aaj se kal nazdiik hai

aaj mai.n huu.n aur vo hai

aaj tak pa.De hag rahe hai.n

Meaning ofSee meaning 'aaj in English, Hindi & Urdu



Origin: Arabic

Vazn : 21

Word Family: a-a-j

English meaning of 'aaj

Noun, Masculine

  • ivory, elephant tusk

Looking for similar sounding words?


today, present moment


greed, avarice, covetousness

'आज के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, पुल्लिंग

  • हाथीदांत, हस्तिदंत, हाथी के दांत से बनी हुई कोई चीज़

عاج کے اردو معانی

اسم، مذکر

  • ہاتھی دان٘ت، ہاتھی کے دان٘ت سے بنی ہوئی کوئی چیز
  • کچھوے کی پیٹھ کی ہڈّی

Compound words of 'aaj

Showing search results for: English meaning of aaj, English meaning of aaz

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