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nerves of the body


related to 'uruuq


(Medicine) the veins of the veins, the micro veins that grown adjacent to large vein to nurture it


(Medical) veins of eyes that connected to the head


(Botany) fibrils coming out from the roots, branches coming out from the roots


(Medicine) uruuq-e-jaaziba, which absorbs lymph, fluid from all the body and internal organs



(Medicine) thin veins like hair


(Medicine) the small tubes that absorb, fat, lymph and other hygienic fluids from the intestines and store them in the blood


(Medicine) pumping veins, the arteries



(Medicine) veins that are slightly deep inside the body


(Medicine) thin veins like hair which is runs between the stomach and the liver and those provide blood to body limbs



(Medicine) rough veins or arteries, the narrow airy lungs arteries



(Medicine) the thine and hard veins which attached to the lower and most of the intestine and move toward the porta-hepatis carrying with chyle and there the liver absorbed them



the process of absorbing moisture by veins


tightening or shrinking of veins







kev.De kaa 'araq


sweating, toil and sweat, hard labour or exertion, severe application


sweating, toil and sweat, hard labour or exertion

'arq me.n Garq honaa


covered with sweat, sweaty, ashamed

faulaad kaa 'arq

tincture of steel

sharmo.n 'araq me.n Garq honaa

'arq kashiid karnaa



rectified spirit


'arq-'arq karnaa


sweating, toil and sweat

ruq'a par ruq'a



sweat, perspiration, exuded moisture


be covered with sweat, to be drenched in perspiration, be ashamed

dau.D dau.D ke

dau.D dau.D aanaa

visit repeatedly

dau.D dau.D kar

ruq'a par ruq'a aanaa




a variant of Naskh (نسخ) script kaa 'araq

anise water, extract of aniseed

raa.D ba.Dhaanaa

to increase strife or a feud, to foment a quarrel





KHijaalat ke maare 'arq-'arq honaa

'araq khii.nchnaa

to extract the juice, or sap, or liquor (of), to distil


sweating, toil and sweat


the vessel in which the essence is stored or preserve


servant, slave, homemaker

Meaning ofSee meaning 'uruuq in English, Hindi & Urdu



Origin: Arabic

Vazn : 121

Singular: 'irq

Root word: 'araq

Word Family: a-r-q

English meaning of 'uruuq

Noun, Feminine, Plural

  • nerves of the body
  • the root of tree
  • juice, extracted water

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'उरूक़ के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, स्त्रीलिंग, बहुवचन

  • शरीर की रगें, नसें
  • वनस्पति की जड़ें नीज़ बारीक रेशे, नसें
  • निचोड़ा हुआ पानी, रस

عُرُوْقْ کے اردو معانی

اسم، مؤنث، جمع

  • بدن کی رگیں
  • نباتات کی جڑیں نیز باریک ریشے، نسیں
  • نچوڑا ہوا پانی ، رَس

Showing search results for: English meaning of urooq, English meaning of uruk

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