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Showing results for "ThaaT"


time, season, epoch, age


the beginner of a new era


a revenue office of the Mughal era, who's duties was to collect taxes


a contract, bond, an agreement, a treaty, convention

'ahd lenaa

to take vow or promise


breach of faith, breaking of trust or promise, breach of agreement or promise, infraction of a treaty

'ahd to.Dnaa

to break an engagement, or promise, break one's promise or pact

'ahd karnaa

promise or pledge, give one's words


اکبری دربار کا ایک خاص عہدہ نیز عہدیدار

'ahd TuuTnaa

breaking of promise, to perjure

'ahd ba.ndhnaa

to make a vow or pact

'ahd karaanaa

to take vow or promise

'ahd me.n

in the reign


fulfill the promise


promise and pledges, mutual agreement, treaty




vows and promises, agreement, treaty


modern time


one who backs out of his/her promise, oath-breaker, one who breaks promises or does not keep faith

'ahd kar lenaa

to make a vow, to vow


Old Testament


old age, ancient time

'ahd kaa puuraa

the one who stands on his word




present time


ancient age, bygone era


current era, present time


bygone era, ancient time or period


current time, present time


the times to come


time of childhood


the period of youth, puberty


medieval or middle ages

'ahd se phirnaa

to breach promises, breach of agreement or promise


Old Testament




the second part of the Christian Bible, written originally in Greek and recording the life and teachings of Jesus and his earliest followers. It includes the four Gospels, the Acts of the Apostles, twenty-one epistles by St. Paul and others, and the book of Revelation


a prehistoric period when weapons and tools were made of stone or of organic materials such as bone, wood, or horn, stone age


the beginner of new era


(قانون) جو ایجاب یا قبول بجز الفاظ کے اور طور پر کیا جائے (عہد صریح کی ضد)


golden age


modern or present age

'ahd-o-paimaan TuuTnaa

breach of vow and promises


ancient times, ages


open transaction


time, age of youth


an age when everything is falling apart


ancient times, ages


age of pickpockets

'ahd se munharif honaa

وعدے پر قائم نہ رہنا



'ahd-o-paimaan TuuT jaanaa

قول و قرار قائم نہ رہنا

'ahd aasaan hai par uskii vafaa mushkil hai

It is easy to make promises, it is hard work to keep them


period of reign, period of rule


دور ، زمانہ ؛ مراد : معاہدہ ، عہد و پیمان.


the time before the commencement of prophethood to prophet Mohammed




the age of justice and equality


age of pickpockets


time of predecessors, the era of ancestors, ancient time, past era

Meaning ofSee meaning ThaaT in English, Hindi & Urdu



Origin: Hindi

Vazn : 21

Tags: Soldiership

English meaning of ThaaT

Noun, Masculine

  • splendour, magnificence, decoration, pomp, elegance
  • fashion, mould
  • style, attitude
  • any one of the seven families of ragas of Pakistani and Indian classical music
  • framework on which the roof of a house is thatched
  • requisites, effects, goods
  • money, riches, luxury

Sher Examples

ठाट के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, पुल्लिंग

  • ठाठ
  • ऐश, आराम, भड़क, तौर तरीक़ा
  • सजधज, शान
  • रोक या रक्षा के काम आने वाला बाँस का ढाँचा
  • सितार का तार

ٹھاٹ کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu

اسم، مذکر

  • بانس وغیرہ کا چوکھٹا، ڈھانچا، ٹھاٹھر جس کو منڈھ کر چھت یا چھپر یا دیوار بنائی جائے
  • طور طریق، ناز و انداز، سج دھج
  • ڈھنگ، طریقہ
  • آرائش، زیب و زینت، شان وشکوہ
  • (سپاہ گری) لکڑی پھین٘کنے والوں کا لکڑی پھین٘کتے وقت ایک خاص وضع سے کھڑا ہونا، پین٘ترا، مقابلے کے وقت حریف کے سامنے کھڑے ہونے کا اُستادان فن کا مقرر کیا ہوا ڈھنگ، ٹھاٹ کا عام طریقہ یہ ہے کہ بایاں پیر آگے بڑھا کر تھوڑا خم دیتے ہیں اور اسی پر جسم کا وزن تول کر سینہ سپر تلوار یا لکڑی کندھے پر تانے ہوے حریف پر وار کرنے کی گھات میں کھڑے ہوتے ہیں
  • جلوس، سامان سواری، دھوم دھام
  • کبوتروں کا خوشی میں پر جھڑ جھڑانا، مرغ کا پر جھاڑ کر اذاں دینا
  • وہ انداز جو مرغ کا مرغ سے لڑنے کو بڑھتے وقت ہوتا ہے
  • ستار سارنگی وغیرہ کی کھون٘ٹی درست کرکے اس کی آواز کا اتار چڑھاو ٹھیک کرنا، لے، دھن، طرز، گانے کا انداز
  • مشترک سروں کی اساس پر راگوں کی درجہ بندی
  • اسباب، لوازم خصوصی
  • (مجازاً) مال و متاع، پون٘جی، دھن دولت، جائداد، ساز و سامان
  • تدبیر، انتظام
  • مفصل بیان، منظر وغیرہ

Urdu meaning of ThaaT

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • baans vaGaira ka chaukhaTaa, Dhaanchaa, ThaaThar jis ko munDh kar chhat ya chhappar ya diivaar banaa.ii jaaye
  • taur tariiq, naaz-o-andaaz, saj dhaj
  • Dhang, tariiqa
  • aaraa.ish, jeb-o-ziinat, shaan vashkoh
  • (sipaah girii) lakk.Dii phenkne vaalo.n ka lakk.Dii phenkte vaqt ek Khaas vazaa se kha.Daa honaa, paintraa, muqaable ke vaqt hariif ke saamne kha.De hone ka ustaadaan fan ka muqarrar kyaa hu.a Dhang, ThaaT ka aam tariiqa ye hai ki baayaa.n pair aage ba.Dhaa kar tho.Daa Kham dete hai.n aur isii par jism ka vazan tuul kar siinaa supar talvaar ya lakk.Dii kandhe par taane ho.ii hariif par vaar karne kii ghaat me.n kha.De hote hai.n
  • jaluus, saamaan savaarii, dhuum dhaam
  • kabuutro.n ka Khushii me.n par jha.D jha.Daanaa, murG ka par jhaa.Dkar azaa.n denaa
  • vo andaaz jo murG ka murG se la.Dne ko ba.Dhte vaqt hotaa hai
  • sitaar saarangii vaGaira kii khuunTii darust karke us kii aavaaz ka utaar cha.Dhaav Thiik karnaa, le, dhan, tarz, gaane ka andaaz
  • mushtark suro.n kii asaas par raago.n kii darja bandii
  • asbaab, lavaazam Khusuusii
  • (majaazan) maal-o-mataa, puunjii, dhan daulat, jaayadaad, saaz-o-saamaan
  • tadbiir, intizaam
  • mufassil byaan, manzar vaGaira

Compound words of ThaaT

Related searched words


time, season, epoch, age


the beginner of a new era


a revenue office of the Mughal era, who's duties was to collect taxes


a contract, bond, an agreement, a treaty, convention

'ahd lenaa

to take vow or promise


breach of faith, breaking of trust or promise, breach of agreement or promise, infraction of a treaty

'ahd to.Dnaa

to break an engagement, or promise, break one's promise or pact

'ahd karnaa

promise or pledge, give one's words


اکبری دربار کا ایک خاص عہدہ نیز عہدیدار

'ahd TuuTnaa

breaking of promise, to perjure

'ahd ba.ndhnaa

to make a vow or pact

'ahd karaanaa

to take vow or promise

'ahd me.n

in the reign


fulfill the promise


promise and pledges, mutual agreement, treaty




vows and promises, agreement, treaty


modern time


one who backs out of his/her promise, oath-breaker, one who breaks promises or does not keep faith

'ahd kar lenaa

to make a vow, to vow


Old Testament


old age, ancient time

'ahd kaa puuraa

the one who stands on his word




present time


ancient age, bygone era


current era, present time


bygone era, ancient time or period


current time, present time


the times to come


time of childhood


the period of youth, puberty


medieval or middle ages

'ahd se phirnaa

to breach promises, breach of agreement or promise


Old Testament




the second part of the Christian Bible, written originally in Greek and recording the life and teachings of Jesus and his earliest followers. It includes the four Gospels, the Acts of the Apostles, twenty-one epistles by St. Paul and others, and the book of Revelation


a prehistoric period when weapons and tools were made of stone or of organic materials such as bone, wood, or horn, stone age


the beginner of new era


(قانون) جو ایجاب یا قبول بجز الفاظ کے اور طور پر کیا جائے (عہد صریح کی ضد)


golden age


modern or present age

'ahd-o-paimaan TuuTnaa

breach of vow and promises


ancient times, ages


open transaction


time, age of youth


an age when everything is falling apart


ancient times, ages


age of pickpockets

'ahd se munharif honaa

وعدے پر قائم نہ رہنا



'ahd-o-paimaan TuuT jaanaa

قول و قرار قائم نہ رہنا

'ahd aasaan hai par uskii vafaa mushkil hai

It is easy to make promises, it is hard work to keep them


period of reign, period of rule


دور ، زمانہ ؛ مراد : معاہدہ ، عہد و پیمان.


the time before the commencement of prophethood to prophet Mohammed




the age of justice and equality


age of pickpockets


time of predecessors, the era of ancestors, ancient time, past era

Showing search results for: English meaning of that

Citation Index: See the sources referred to in building Rekhta Dictionary

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