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Showing results for "tabii'at me.n bal pa.Dnaa"

tabii'at me.n bal pa.Dnaa

a.nt.Diyo.n me.n bal pa.Dnaa

to howl with laughter, roll in the aisles, laughing your head off

mizaaj me.n bal pa.Dnaa

dil me.n bal pa.Dnaa

peshaanii me.n bal pa.Dnaa

expresses the sadness from facial expressions

aa.nt me.n bal pa.Dnaa

aa.nto.n me.n bal pa.Dnaa

abruu me.n bal pa.Dnaa

jabiin me.n bal pa.Dnaa

peT me.n bal pa.Dnaa

be convulsed with laughter, have a twisting pain in stomach due to hunger

tabii'at me.n bal honaa

ha.nste ha.nste a.nta.Diyo.n me.n bal pa.Dnaa

laugh long and uncontrollably

ha.nsii se peT me.n bal pa.Dnaa

ha.nste ha.nste peT me.n bal pa.Dnaa

peT me.n ha.nste ha.nste bal pa.Dnaa

to be convulsed with laughter

ha.ns-ha.ns kar peT me.n bal pa.Dnaa

ha.nsii ke maare peT me.n bal pa.Dnaa

aa.iine me.n baal pa.Dnaa

chiinii me.n baal pa.Dnaa

Meaning ofSee meaning tabii'at me.n bal pa.Dnaa in English, Hindi & Urdu

tabii'at me.n bal pa.Dnaa

तबी'अत में बल पड़नाطَبِیعَت میں بَل پَڑْنا


तबी'अत में बल पड़ना के हिंदी अर्थ

  • मिज़ाज में कजी पैदा होना, बदमिज़ाज हो जाना

طَبِیعَت میں بَل پَڑْنا کے اردو معانی

  • مزاج میں کجی پیدا ہونا ، بد مزاج ہو جانا.

Showing search results for: English meaning of tabeeat men bal padna, English meaning of tabeeat men bal padnaa

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tabii'at me.n bal pa.Dnaa

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