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Showing results for "sat maan ke bakraa laa.e , kaan paka.D sar kaaTaa , puujaa thii so maalan le ga.ii , muurat ko dhar chaaTaa"
Meaning ofSee meaning sat maan ke bakraa laa.e , kaan paka.D sar kaaTaa , puujaa thii so maalan le ga.ii , muurat ko dhar chaaTaa in English, Hindi & Urdu
सत मान के बकरा लाए , कान पकड़ सर काटा , पूजा थी सो मालन ले गई , मूरत को धर चाटा के हिंदी अर्थ
- जो भेंट की बुत पर चढ़ाते हैं वो कमीने लोग खा जाते हैं
سَت مان کے بَکْرا لائے ، کان پَکَڑ سَر کاٹا ، پُوجا تھی سو مالَن لے گَئی ، مُورَت کو دَھر چاٹا کے اردو معانی
- Roman
- Urdu
- جو بھین٘ٹ کی بُت پر چڑھاتے ہیں وہ کمینے لوگ کھا جاتے ہیں
Urdu meaning of sat maan ke bakraa laa.e , kaan paka.D sar kaaTaa , puujaa thii so maalan le ga.ii , muurat ko dhar chaaTaa
- Roman
- Urdu
- jo bhenT kii but par cha.Dhaate hai.n vo kamiine log kha jaate hai.n
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काले होने की अवस्था, गुण या भाव, कालापन, अंधकार, अंधेरा, काला दाग़ या धब्बा, प्रतीकात्मक: लज्जा, शर्म, शंका, बदनामी
kalima pa.Dhnaa
recite the Kalima (la-ilaha illal-lah, there is no god but God), declare belief in Muslim creed, be converted to Islam
kalima pa.Dhvaanaa
to make (one) repeat the (Muslim) confession of faith, to convert (one) to Mohammadanism, to make a Musalman of (one)
kalima pa.Dhaanaa
to make (one) repeat the (Muslim) confession of faith, to convert (one) to Mohammadanism, to make a Musalman of (one)
the words of testimony, i.e. ash.hadu-anna la-ilaaha illallahu va ash.hadu-anna Muhammadan abduhu va Rasooluhu (I bear witness that there is no deity (none truly to be worshipped) but God, and I bear witness that Mohammed is the messenger of God
the fourth kalima is also referred to as Tauheed as 'unification of oneness of God'
the word of surprising or happiness those are delivered spontaneously from the mouth, like bravo, excellent, well done etc.
Showing search results for: English meaning of sat maan ke bakraa laae, English meaning of kaan pakad sar kaataa
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