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Showing results for "kalima-e-shahaadat"


the words of testimony, i.e. ash.hadu-anna la-ilaaha illallahu va ash.hadu-anna Muhammadan abduhu va Rasooluhu (I bear witness that there is no deity (none truly to be worshipped) but God, and I bear witness that Mohammed is the messenger of God

kalmaa-e-shahaadat pa.Dhnaa

say 'I declare that there is no god but Allah and I declare that Muhammad is His worshipper and His Prophet'


Muslim's testimony to the oneness of God and the prophethood of Prophet Muhammad

Meaning ofSee meaning kalima-e-shahaadat in English, Hindi & Urdu


कलिमा-ए-शहादतکَلِمَۂ شَہَادَت

Origin: Arabic

English meaning of kalima-e-shahaadat

Noun, Masculine

  • the words of testimony, i.e. ash.hadu-anna la-ilaaha illallahu va ash.hadu-anna Muhammadan abduhu va Rasooluhu (I bear witness that there is no deity (none truly to be worshipped) but God, and I bear witness that Mohammed is the messenger of God

कलिमा-ए-शहादत के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, पुल्लिंग

  • गवाही के शब्द, अर्थात: अशहदुअन्ना ला-इलाहा इल्लल-लाहु व अशहदुअन्ना मोहम्मदन अब्दुहू व रसूलुहू (मैं गवाही देता हूँ कि ईश्वर के सिवा कोई पूजनीय नहीं और मैं गवाही देता हूँ कि पैग़म्बर मोहम्मद साहब ईष्वर के बंदे और उसके दूत हैं) इसमें चूँकि गवाही दी जाती है इसलिए इसे कलिमा-ए-शहादत कहते हैं

کَلِمَۂ شَہَادَت کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu

اسم، مذکر

  • گواہی کے الفاظ، مراد: اَشْہَدْ اَنْ لَا اِلَہَ الَّا اللہُ وَ اَشَہَدُ اَنَّ مُحمَداً عَبْدُہ وَرَسُولُہ (میں گواہی دیتا ہوں کہ اللہ کے سوا کوئی معبود نہیں اور میں گواہی دیتا ہوں کہ محمّدؐ اللہ کے بندے اور اس کے رسول ہیں) اس میں چونکہ شہادت یعنی گواہی دی جاتی ہے اس لیے اسے کلمۂ شہادت کہتے ہیں

Urdu meaning of kalima-e-shahaadat

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • gavaahii ke alfaaz, muraadah ash॒had॒ an॒ ilaa allaa alalahu va ashahadu an muhamdan ab॒duh varsuu.oluh (me.n gavaahii detaa huu.n ki allaah ke sivaa ko.ii maabuud nahii.n aur me.n gavaahii detaa huu.n ki mahammada.i allaah ke bande aur is ke rasuul hain) is me.n chuu.nki shahaadat yaanii gavaahii dii jaatii hai is li.e use kalmaa-e-shahaadat kahte hai.n

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the words of testimony, i.e. ash.hadu-anna la-ilaaha illallahu va ash.hadu-anna Muhammadan abduhu va Rasooluhu (I bear witness that there is no deity (none truly to be worshipped) but God, and I bear witness that Mohammed is the messenger of God

kalmaa-e-shahaadat pa.Dhnaa

say 'I declare that there is no god but Allah and I declare that Muhammad is His worshipper and His Prophet'


Muslim's testimony to the oneness of God and the prophethood of Prophet Muhammad

Showing search results for: English meaning of kalimaeshahaadat, English meaning of kalimaeshahadat

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