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Showing results for "rag"


(Botany) fibril, fibrils of trees and leaves


sweat, perspiration, exuded moisture


sweat, perspiration, exuded moisture


sciatica, pain in the lower part of the back and the back of the legs


related to 'irq


it is the dried root of a small tree which is uses in Dysentery


to having nerve


guinea worm, dracunculiasis, a very long parasitic nematode worm which lives under the skin of infected humans and other mammals in rural Africa and Asia


covered with sweat, sweaty, ashamed


servant, slave, homemaker


rose water


sweat of shame


sweat of shame


پسینہ لانے والا


sweaty, hardworking


the seat towel or clothe

'arq aanaa

پسینا آنا


the vessel in which the essence is stored or preserve


the seat towel or clothe


a liquor extracted from the flower of the jujube tree


شرمندگی کا پسینا (بھیگنا، ڈوبنا وغیرہ کے ساتھ)

'araq aanaa

to sweat, be covered with sweat (through hard labour, heat, shame or fear)


sweating, toil and sweat


the sweet towel or clothe


a perforated container for sprinkling rose-water etc.

'araq honaa

to be drenched in perspiration, to be ashamed

'araq laanaa



to extract juice from something, to make liquor


sweating, toil and sweat


the sweet towel or clothe


sweaty, perspiring, covered with sweat

'araq karnaa

to sweat


full of perspiration, sweat, essence, the root (of anything)




sweat of repentance


the water of curdling of milk


sweaty, perspiring, covered with sweat


sweating, toil and sweat, hard labour or exertion


perspiration of shame of sinning


ایک قسم کا عرق، جونارنج اور ترنج کے پھولوں سے کشیدہ کیا جاتا ہے


the fragrant liquid that is for bride to use in marriage

'arq aa jaanaa

پسینا آنا

'araq nikalnaa

to perspire

'araq Tapaknaa

dropping seats from body


sweating, toil and sweat, hard labour or exertion, severe application

'araq karaanaa

پسینہ نکلوانا، پسینے میں تر کرانا، نہلانا


sweating, toil and sweat


the sweating which comes out at the time of last breathing


rose water


Vinegar (so called because mint


the moisture which is exist inside the tree


Vinegar (so called because mint

'arq-'arq karnaa

پسینے پسینے کرنا (محنت و بیماری، کمزوری، خوف یا شرم سے)


be covered with sweat, to be drenched in perspiration, be ashamed

'araq khii.nchnaa

to extract the juice, or sap, or liquor (of), to distil


sweat of repentance


sweat of repentance


anise syrup or juice


sweat of repentance


(Medicine) excessive sweating in the extreme condition of the disease

Meaning ofSee meaning rag in English, Hindi & Urdu



Origin: Persian

Vazn : 2

Tags: Sculpture Geology

English meaning of rag

Noun, Feminine

  • control, authority
  • feeling, emotion
  • nature, habit
  • obstinacy, waywardness
  • vein (of a leaf, wood or stone), fibre
  • vein or artery, sinew, nerve, blood vessel
  • vein, artery, fibre, nerve

Sher Examples

रग के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, स्त्रीलिंग

  • शरीर की नाड़ी, नस, शिरा, धमनी, तन्त्रिका, स्नायु, पट्ठा
  • प्रकृति, स्वभाव, आदत, फ़ितरत
  • हठ, क्रोध, बुरी आदत जो शरीर के किसी रग के विकार का परिणाम मानी जाती है
  • तन्तु, रेशा, रेशम, धागा, डोरा, तार
  • महीन, पतली, सूक्ष्म लकीर या कोई निशान (चिह्न) जो जवाहरात या लकड़ी अथवा पत्थरों में होते हैं जो कि सुन्दरता के द्योतक हैं
  • रग-रग = समस्या के आंतरिक दृष्टिकोणों में से प्रत्येक दृष्टिकोण
  • दूध पिलाने वाली का प्रभाव, रिश्ता (सम्बन्ध), भावना, अनुभव, संवेदन
  • आँख का डोरा
  • धूर्तता, चालाकी, शरारत

رَگ کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu

اسم، مؤنث

  • جسم کی ان باریک نلیوں اور نسوں میں سے ہر ایک جن میں خون رہتا اور دورہ کرتا ہے، نس؛ (مجازاً) پٹھا
  • پھول پتی ، شاخ وغیرہ کا ریشہ
  • لکڑی مین نشان جو خوبصورتی سمجھے جاتے ہیں.
  • باریک خط جو جواہرات یا پتھروں میں ہوتے ہیں.
  • (سنگ تراشی) دردی پتھر کی سخت کا کوئی دھاردار نشان جو کسی غیر جنس تہ کے درمیان میں آنے پڑ گیا ہو اور آرپار لکیر کی شکل میں دکھائی دے
  • فطرت، عادت، خاصہ، اصل نسل (پیشتر طنزل کے موقع پر مستعمل)
  • (کسی پر) دباؤ ڈالنے کا پہلو، باگ ڈوڑ.
  • معاملے کے اندرونی پہلوؤں میں سے ہر ایک رخ.
  • خون ، جذبہ ، احساس .
  • (ارضیات) طبقہ ارض کا شگاف جس میں معدنی شے ہو.
  • ایک طریقہ جس میں چیچک کی کھپلی کو بھگو کر اکا مادہ صحت مند انسان کے جسم میں خراش لگا کر رگڑتے تھے تاکہ اس پر بیماری کا ہلکا سا حملہ ہو کر جسم میں مدافعت پیدا ہو جائے.
  • . آنکھ کا ڈورا .
  • دودھ پلانی والی کا اثر، تار، رشتہ، دھاگا، ڈورا، ضد ، ہٹ ، غصہ .

Urdu meaning of rag

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • jism kii in baariik naliyo.n aur naso.n me.n se har ek jan me.n Khuun rahtaa aur dauraa kartaa hai, nas; (majaazan) paTThaa
  • phuulpattii, shaaKh vaGaira ka resha
  • lakk.Dii main nishaan jo Khuubsuurtii samjhe jaate hai.n
  • baariik Khat jo javaaharaat ya patthro.n me.n hote hai.n
  • (sang taraashii) dardii patthar kii saKht ka ko.ii dhaaradaar nishaan jo kisii Gair jansattaa ke daramyaan me.n aane pa.D gayaa ho aur aarpaar lakiir kii shakl me.n dikhaa.ii de
  • fitrat, aadat, Khaassaa, asal nasal (peshtar tanazzul ke mauqaa par mustaamal
  • (kisii par) dabaa.o Daalne ka pahluu, baag Do.D
  • mu.aamle ke andaruunii pahluu.o.n me.n se har ek ruKh
  • Khuun, jazbaa, ehsaas
  • (arziyaat) tabqa arz ka shigaaf jis me.n maadinii shaiy ho
  • ek tariiqa jis me.n chechak kii khaplii ko bhigo kar ikkaa maadda sehat mand insaan ke jism me.n Kharaash laga kar raga.Dte the taaki is par biimaarii ka halkaa saa hamla ho kar jism me.n mudaafat paida ho jaaye
  • . aa.nkh ka Dora
  • duudh pilaanii vaalii ka asar, taar, rishta, dhaagaa, Dora, zid, hiT, Gussaa

Related searched words


(Botany) fibril, fibrils of trees and leaves


sweat, perspiration, exuded moisture


sweat, perspiration, exuded moisture


sciatica, pain in the lower part of the back and the back of the legs


related to 'irq


it is the dried root of a small tree which is uses in Dysentery


to having nerve


guinea worm, dracunculiasis, a very long parasitic nematode worm which lives under the skin of infected humans and other mammals in rural Africa and Asia


covered with sweat, sweaty, ashamed


servant, slave, homemaker


rose water


sweat of shame


sweat of shame


پسینہ لانے والا


sweaty, hardworking


the seat towel or clothe

'arq aanaa

پسینا آنا


the vessel in which the essence is stored or preserve


the seat towel or clothe


a liquor extracted from the flower of the jujube tree


شرمندگی کا پسینا (بھیگنا، ڈوبنا وغیرہ کے ساتھ)

'araq aanaa

to sweat, be covered with sweat (through hard labour, heat, shame or fear)


sweating, toil and sweat


the sweet towel or clothe


a perforated container for sprinkling rose-water etc.

'araq honaa

to be drenched in perspiration, to be ashamed

'araq laanaa



to extract juice from something, to make liquor


sweating, toil and sweat


the sweet towel or clothe


sweaty, perspiring, covered with sweat

'araq karnaa

to sweat


full of perspiration, sweat, essence, the root (of anything)




sweat of repentance


the water of curdling of milk


sweaty, perspiring, covered with sweat


sweating, toil and sweat, hard labour or exertion


perspiration of shame of sinning


ایک قسم کا عرق، جونارنج اور ترنج کے پھولوں سے کشیدہ کیا جاتا ہے


the fragrant liquid that is for bride to use in marriage

'arq aa jaanaa

پسینا آنا

'araq nikalnaa

to perspire

'araq Tapaknaa

dropping seats from body


sweating, toil and sweat, hard labour or exertion, severe application

'araq karaanaa

پسینہ نکلوانا، پسینے میں تر کرانا، نہلانا


sweating, toil and sweat


the sweating which comes out at the time of last breathing


rose water


Vinegar (so called because mint


the moisture which is exist inside the tree


Vinegar (so called because mint

'arq-'arq karnaa

پسینے پسینے کرنا (محنت و بیماری، کمزوری، خوف یا شرم سے)


be covered with sweat, to be drenched in perspiration, be ashamed

'araq khii.nchnaa

to extract the juice, or sap, or liquor (of), to distil


sweat of repentance


sweat of repentance


anise syrup or juice


sweat of repentance


(Medicine) excessive sweating in the extreme condition of the disease

Citation Index: See the sources referred to in building Rekhta Dictionary

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