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privacy, veil, screen, ear-drum


a musical tone, act or state of being behind purdah, modesty, piece that covers the chest of a coat or shirt, screen, curtain, veil, purdah, cover, anything which acts as a screen, the eardrum, pretext, excuse, sail of a ship, seclusion, secrecy, concealm

parde chho.Dnaa

parde chhu.Dvaanaa

parde cha.Dhaanaa

parde kii diivaar


parde badalnaa

parde chhupnaa

parde chhuTnaa

parde Daalnaa

parde kii chi.Daiya

chink, slit

parde milaanaa

(in music) to match a note

parde chhuuTnaa

parde kii baat

secret matter, secret case, matter must be hidden

parde biThaanaa

to hide, conceal

parde me.n puuchhnaa

parde me.n zarda lagaanaa

(of a purdah observing woman) indulge secretly in carnal relationship with men

parde me.n rahnaa

parde me.n baiThnaa

parde me.n biThaanaa

parde me.n girda lagaanaa

parde me.n shikaar khelnaa

parde kii biivii, chaTaa.ii kaa lah.ngaa


in veil, ambush, mysterious

parde parde me.n

secretly, clandestinely

parde se lagnaa


parde kii buu buu

parde me.n suuraaKH karnaa





parde ke logo parde ho


belonging to another country, foreigner, stranger, one who travels a lot, wanderer, Alien, absentee lover or beloved


a song sung in the eastern region that mentions the revelations of her beloved in relation to husband who is living as migrant, in which every stanza's has the word 'Pardesiya'


abroad, foreign country

pardes jaanaa

to go abroad, go to a foreign land, travel


pardes chhaanaa

settle in a foreign land

pardesii kii piit ko sab kaa jii lalchaay, do hii baato.n kaa khoT hai rahe na le jaay

pardesii balam terii aas nahii.n, baasii phuulo.n me.n baas nahii.n

a husband living in a foreign land is not faithful just as stale flowers have no fragrance


Christian priest, clergyman, minister, chaplain, missionary


(the saxicolinae of naturalists, which visit India and Pakistan in the cold season and migrate westward and northward to breed), name for small birds like stonechat, wheatear, tomtit, titmouse, small bird



female foreigner, female immigrant

pardes kales nareshan ko

parda daaro parde ho

parda u.Dnaa

parda u.Daa denaa

parda pa.Dnaa

curtain to be let fall, to be concealed, to be veiled or covered (by)

parda chho.Dnaa

drop the curtain

parda pesh daavar bad tar az gunaah

parda chhe.Dnaa

(in music) to match a note

parda to.Dnaa

parda u.Daanaa

parda kaa.Dnaa

parda phaa.Dnaa

to rend the veil (from), to reveal the faults (of), to expose

parda kaa.Dhnaa

Meaning ofSee meaning parde in English, Hindi & Urdu



Vazn : 22

English meaning of parde

  • privacy, veil, screen, ear-drum

Sher Examples

پَرْدے کے اردو معانی

  • پردہ (رک) کی جمع یا مغیرہ حالت ہے .
  • ۔ ۱۔ پردہ کی جمع۔ ۲۔ وہ سات جھلّیاں جو تہ پر تہ آنکھوں میں ہوتی ہیں۔

Compound words of parde

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