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Showing results for "japnaa"


to mutter or whisper (prayers or spells), to count (one's beads), to repeat (the name of any deity) inaudibly or mentally



Japanese language, the native of Japan


jii paanaa

to get at or to understand one's temper or disposition, to know the pleasure or desire (of), to be highly pleased, to get new life, to escape from misfortune


japnii japnaa

sabaq japnaa

naam japnaa

recite the name (of), talk about, be devoted (to)

maalaa japnaa

sumran japnaa

kalima japnaa

to accept or acknowledge someone's talents or skills, to glorify someone

harihar japnaa

mantar japnaa

raam-raam japnaa

raam naam japnaa

ulTii maalaa japnaa

call down a curse, cast a spell or charm to harm someone

hari ko japnaa

naam kii maalaa japnaa

hari kaa naam japnaa

raam-raam japnaa paraayaa maal apnaa

To count beads for God, and ready to usurp other's property.

raam naam japnaa paraayaa maal apnaa

a saint abroad and a devil at home

Meaning ofSee meaning japnaa in English, Hindi & Urdu



Origin: Sanskrit

Vazn : 22

Tags: Archaic Hinduism

English meaning of japnaa

Transitive verb

  • to mutter or whisper (prayers or spells), to count (one's beads), to repeat (the name of any deity) inaudibly or mentally
  • to recite (the bead-roll), to make mention of.

Sher Examples

जपना के हिंदी अर्थ

सकर्मक क्रिया

  • यज्ञ आदि करते समय संख्यानुसार मन ही मन उच्चारण करना, धार्मिक फल-प्राप्ति के लिए किसी शब्द, पद, वाक्य आदि को भक्ति या श्रद्धापूर्वक बार-बार कहना, माला फेरना, पूजा
  • याद करना, स्मरण करना, दोहराना

جَپْنا کے اردو معانی

فعل متعدی

  • تسبیح پڑھنا، مالا پھیرنا، بار بار پڑھنا، ورد کرنا، خدا تعالیٰ کا نام لینا
  • (قدیم) یاد کرنا، دہرانا، ذکر کرنا، رٹنا

Showing search results for: English meaning of japna, English meaning of zapna

Citation Index: See the sources referred to in building Rekhta Dictionary

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