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Showing results for "chhupnaa"


hide, vanish, disappear, lurk, put on a veil or mask, elude or escape observation,


fill up holes with mud, plaster, apply mud to a wall to even out its surface



conceal, hide, cover, obscure

aa chhupnaa


to hide, vanish, disappear


to print, publish, bring out, to stamp, to seal, clutch, grasp


get or have stamped, get marked or printed



push with the horns (as a bull)


chaa.nd chhupnaa

moon to disappear

chaa.ndnii chhupnaa

din chhupnaa

dhuup chhupnaa

parde chhupnaa

zaKHm chhupnaa

KHuu.n chhupnaa

raaz chhupnaa

mizaaj chhupnaa chhupnaa

'aib chhupnaa

suuraj chhupnaa

sitaara chhupnaa

daaman me.n chhupnaa

nazro.n se chhupnaa

paTTo.n me.n chhupnaa

imbue, pervade, permeate

nazar se chhupnaa

chhupne vaalaa

mohabbat kii nigaahe.n na chhupnaa

to not hid love and affection, showing love and affection

chaah-paanii karnaa

nazaro.n me.n Gubaar chhupaanaa

kafan me.n mu.nh chhupaanaa

chaa.nd chhupaanaa

to change as the moon

chaa.ndii chhaapnaa

varaq chhaapnaa

daaman se mu.nh chhupaanaa

daaman me.n chhupaanaa

laakh pardo.n me.n chhupaanaa

daa.ii se baat chhupaanaa

try to conceal from one who is in the know of things

daa.ii se peT chhupaanaa

try to conceal from one who is in the know of things, attempt to conceal from one who is in the know

girebaan me.n mu.nh chhupaanaa

mu.nh chhupaanaa

hide one's face (from), avoid meeting (someone)

guuh kii tarah chhupaanaa

girebaa.n me.n mu.nh chhupaanaa

mu.nh chhupaanaa

'aibo.n ko chhupaanaa

'ishq aur mushk chhupaane se nahii.n chhuptaa

secret of love and fragrance of musk are unconcealable

mu.nh ko chhupaanaa

saat pardo.n me.n chhupaanaa

dil chhupaanaa

jiiv chhupaanaa

muu.n chhuupaanaa

gaalo.n kii jhurriyaa.n chhupaanaa

zaKHm chhupaanaa

raaz chhupaanaa

aa.nkh chhipaanaa

hide one's eyes, be ashamed

shanaaKHt chhupaanaa

To hide your identity

daaman tale chhupaanaa

cover, screen, conceal or hide

'aib chhupaanaa

Meaning ofSee meaning chhupnaa in English, Hindi & Urdu



Vazn : 22

English meaning of chhupnaa

Intransitive verb

Sher Examples

छुपना के हिंदी अर्थ

अकर्मक क्रिया

  • छिपना, आवरण या ओट में होने के कारण दिखाई न देना, अदृश्य होना, देखने में न आना
  • अस्त होना

Rhyming words of chhupnaa

Showing search results for: English meaning of chhupna, English meaning of chupna

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