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plural of time (waqt), times, hours


a spider


fixing the work schedule



whiling away one's time means of livelihood, passing (one's) time

auqaat zaa.e' karnaa

waste time


punctuations and diacritical marks




state of just living a life (esp. with mediocre means), whiling away one's time means of livelihood, passing (one's) time, occupation, employment, subsistence, livelihood, means of living



the time of the five obligatory prayers of Islam


(Lexical) all means


auqaat-talKH honaa

have a bad time lead a miserable life

auqaat-basar karnaa

eke out one's existence pass one's time, to subsist (upon, or by means of), subsist exist, to earn a livelihood, to liv, spend one's time, spend life

auqaat-basarii kaaTnaa

to pass (one's) days (in), to subsist (upon, or by means of), to earn a livelihood, to live, subsist, spend one's time, spend life

auqaat-basarii karnaa

to pass (one's) days (in), to subsist (upon, or by means of), to earn a livelihood, to live, subsist, spend one's time, spend life


properties, legacies (esp. for charitable purposes), trusts, charitable endowments




hawkish, falcon-like


eagle, falcon


auqaat karnaa

to stay, to encamp, to halt, sojourn

auqaat kaTnaa

auqaat kaaTnaa

spend one's time, spend life, eke out one's existence pass one's time

auqaat khonaa

waste time

auqaat kyaa hai

what is the status?


country style heavy duty timber gallows brackets, a wooden hanging place


auqaat chalii jaanaa

auqaat bhiik par honaa

living on alms and begging


a, an, one




alike, identical

se ek

raam milaa.ii jo.Dii, ek andhaa ek ko.Dii

Both are wicked.

raam milaa.ii jo.Dii , ek andhaa ek ko.Dhii

laakh tadbiir ek taraf, ek taqdiir ek taraf

fazl-e-ilaahii ik taraf, saarii KHudaa.ii ik taraf

KHudaa.ii ik taraf , joruu kaa bhaa.ii ik taraf

KHudaa.ii ek taraf joruu kaa bhaa.ii ek taraf

saarii KHudaa.ii ek taraf , fazl-e-ilaahii ek taraf

gadhaa gho.Daa ek bhaav

have no appreciation for talent

saarii KHudaa.ii ek taraf joruu kaa bhaa.ii ek taraf

said of a slavish man who would rather listen to the wife's brother than anyone else, henpecked husband

saarii KHudaa.ii ek taraf , joruu kaa bhaa.ii ek taraf

niich-zaat, ek na ek udpaav

ek dam, hazaar-ummiid

ek to ka.Dvaa karelaa, duusre niim cha.Dhaa

saaras kii sii jo.Dii ek andhaa ek ko.Dii

na ek

Daa.Dhii kaa ek ek baal karnaa

gadhe gho.De ek bhaav chalnaa

daa.Dhii kaa baal ek ek ho gayaa

ek kau.Dii gaa.nThii, chuu.Daa pahnuu.n ki maaThii

hazaar davaa.o.n kii ek davaa parhez hai

ek paa.nv par kha.Daa kar denaa

demand total obedience

bhale gho.De ko ek chaabuk, bhale aadmii ko ek baat

a word is enough to the wise, reasonable people readily take action on good advice

bhale aadmii ko ek baat, bhale gho.De ko ek chaabuk

Meaning ofSee meaning aukaa' in English, Hindi & Urdu



औका' के हिंदी अर्थ

  • अ. वि.कृपण, कंजूस ।

Showing search results for: English meaning of auka, English meaning of aukaa

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