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Showing results for "a.nkhaanaa"


squirm with anger, writhe, look angry or threatening

aa.nkh aanaa

to have inflammation of the eyes, to suffer from ophthalmia, to have a sore eye, to be blear eyed

aa.nkh honaa

بصیرت ہونا، آنکھ کسی طرف ہونا، پرکھ ہونا، نظر ہونا، رغبت ہونا


a room or hall where mirrors are fixed in the walls, houses of mirrors


an expletive or four-letter word

'anqaa honaa

be rare or non-existent

Meaning ofSee meaning a.nkhaanaa in English, Hindi & Urdu



Origin: Hindi

Vazn : 122

English meaning of a.nkhaanaa

Transitive verb

  • squirm with anger, writhe, look angry or threatening

अँखाना के हिंदी अर्थ

सकर्मक क्रिया

  • अप्रसन्न होना, नाराज़ होना, ग़ुस्सा होना, क्रोधित होना, रुष्ट होना, रिसाना

اَنْکھانا کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu

فعل متعدی

  • ناراض ہونا، ناخوش ہونا، غصہ ہونا
  • غصہ کی نظر سے دیکھنا، چڑچڑا ہونا

Urdu meaning of a.nkhaanaa

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • naaraaz honaa, naaKhush honaa, Gussaa honaa
  • Gussaa kii nazar se dekhana, chi.Dchi.Daa honaa

Related searched words


squirm with anger, writhe, look angry or threatening

aa.nkh aanaa

to have inflammation of the eyes, to suffer from ophthalmia, to have a sore eye, to be blear eyed

aa.nkh honaa

بصیرت ہونا، آنکھ کسی طرف ہونا، پرکھ ہونا، نظر ہونا، رغبت ہونا


a room or hall where mirrors are fixed in the walls, houses of mirrors


an expletive or four-letter word

'anqaa honaa

be rare or non-existent

Showing search results for: English meaning of ankhaanaa, English meaning of ankhana

Citation Index: See the sources referred to in building Rekhta Dictionary

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