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Showing results for "'aas"





sinner, sinful, sinning, criminal


hope, desire, wish, expectation


passionately loving, amorous, enamoured, in love





love, being in love, state of being in love, courtship, amorousness


lovers, sweetheart


protector, guardian, guard


gust of wind, storm


chaste woman, matron






interceptive, stopper, squeezer, extractor, Metaphorically: wine maker, brewer


tenth, the tenth part, treat with great but outward respect


the tenth day or the first ten days of the month Muharram


the tenth or ninth of the first month Muharram


day of the tenth of Muharram doubly sanctified by Imam Husain's martyrdom


loving, amorous


a soft light meal like soup or porridge, soup, water





afflicted, impoverished lover



'aashiq honaa

to be enamoured (of), to be, or to fall, in love (with), to admire


those who reward lover, the one who care about lover



amorous, having the disposition of a lover, amorous, ladies' man, Don Juan, squire of dames




a temporary structure for the celebration of the Moḥarram festival; a house for the reception of the banners, used in the Moḥarram procession




true lover, sincere lover


afflicted, impoverished lover


ailing lover


'aashiqii karnaa


a temporary structure for the celebration of the Moḥarram festival, a house for the reception of the banners, used in the Moḥarram procession



unfortunate lover

'aashiq ko KHudaa zar de, nahii.n kar de zamiin ke parde




lover and beloved


the English ivy, Hedera helix

'aashiqii KHaala jii kaa ghar nahii.n

'aashiqii na kiijiye to kyaa ghaas khodiye

'aashiq andhaa hotaa hai


'aashiqii aur KHaala jii kaa ghar

'aashiqii kaa sheva


lover of the dimple of the chin

'aashiqii kaa dam bharnaa

'aashiqaa.n raa mazhab-o-millat judaa ast

Meaning ofSee meaning 'aas in English, Hindi & Urdu



Origin: Arabic

'आस के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, पुल्लिंग

  • रात में पहरा और गश्त देने वाला

عاس کے اردو معانی

اسم، مذکر

  • رات میں پہرا ور گشت کرنے والا

Showing search results for: English meaning of aas, English meaning of as

Citation Index: See the sources referred to in building Rekhta Dictionary

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