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لٹکا ہوا، عمود


world after world


بَلّم (رک).

'aalam badal jaanaa

the state of world to change


the place surrounding with water




money, cash, ready money


the Originator, one of the ninety-nine names of Allah


lump, tumour, hard swelling


the supporter or sympathizer of a particular ideology or revolution


دنیا، زمین


world of mankind


state of man


the immortal world, heaven, paradise




A state of ignorance


the world of creation and material manifestation


to be standard bearer, to be a staunch supporter of a movement or ideology, raising the flag

'alam buland karnaa

علم اونچا کرنا، تشہیر کرنا، اعلان کرنا، شہرت حاصل کرنا

'alam buland honaa

عَلَم بلند کرنا کا لازم

'alam-e-baGaavat buland karnaa

بغاوت کا اعلان کرنا، کسی تحریک یا جماعت سے اختلاف کی بنا پر اپنا الگ گروہ قائم کرنا


eternal world

'alam-bardaarii karnaa

کسی مقصد یا تحریک کو آگے بڑھانا

'alam bapaa honaa

علم اونچا ہونا

'alam barpaa honaa

عَلَم اونچا ہونا


ruined world


which lies between two opposing things

'ilm baghaarnaa

قابلیت ظاہر کرنا، علمی استعداد جتانا


awakened state, wakefulness


science of rhetoric


world of mankind


world of water, dust and wind


state of reversed fortune




state of no desire, disinterested


heaven, the world of souls and angels beyond this universe, the upper part of the globe, the sky


state of springtime

'alam ba.Dhaanaa

عَلَم کا پھریرا اُتار لینا اور اسے تہ کر کے رکھ دینا (محرم یا عزاداری ختم ہونے پر)


science that discusses the rules of consistency, eloquence, rhetoric, and ingenuity in the word, so as to avoid error in stating what is appropriate at the point


بسیط چیزوں کی دنیا، پھیلی ہوئی دنیا، پوری کائنات، سارا زمانہ


nameless world


state of being heartless, disenchanted


state of youthfulness


state of the restlessness of heart


world of water and dust


optics, photology


inner world


science of the use of figures of speech, the branch of rhetoric dealing with the metaphorical use of language, the explanatory science, rhetoric




بسیط چیزوں کی دنیا، پھیلی ہوئی دنیا، پوری کائنات، سارا زمانہ


state of going in the wrong direction


the state of being beside oneself, intoxicated, ecstasy


Optics, Science of sight.


state of forlornness


پانی اور مٹی کا جہان


a scholar who does not act according to his knowledge


scholar who acts according to his sayings


peerless, matchless world


the hidden world, the hereafter


world of water and dust

Meaning ofSee meaning aalamb in English, Hindi & Urdu



Origin: Sanskrit

آلمب کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu


  • لٹکا ہوا، عمود
  • ستون، ٹیک
  • حفاظت، مدد

Urdu meaning of aalamb

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • laTkaa hu.a, amuud
  • satuun, Tek
  • hifaazat, madad

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لٹکا ہوا، عمود


world after world


بَلّم (رک).

'aalam badal jaanaa

the state of world to change


the place surrounding with water




money, cash, ready money


the Originator, one of the ninety-nine names of Allah


lump, tumour, hard swelling


the supporter or sympathizer of a particular ideology or revolution


دنیا، زمین


world of mankind


state of man


the immortal world, heaven, paradise




A state of ignorance


the world of creation and material manifestation


to be standard bearer, to be a staunch supporter of a movement or ideology, raising the flag

'alam buland karnaa

علم اونچا کرنا، تشہیر کرنا، اعلان کرنا، شہرت حاصل کرنا

'alam buland honaa

عَلَم بلند کرنا کا لازم

'alam-e-baGaavat buland karnaa

بغاوت کا اعلان کرنا، کسی تحریک یا جماعت سے اختلاف کی بنا پر اپنا الگ گروہ قائم کرنا


eternal world

'alam-bardaarii karnaa

کسی مقصد یا تحریک کو آگے بڑھانا

'alam bapaa honaa

علم اونچا ہونا

'alam barpaa honaa

عَلَم اونچا ہونا


ruined world


which lies between two opposing things

'ilm baghaarnaa

قابلیت ظاہر کرنا، علمی استعداد جتانا


awakened state, wakefulness


science of rhetoric


world of mankind


world of water, dust and wind


state of reversed fortune




state of no desire, disinterested


heaven, the world of souls and angels beyond this universe, the upper part of the globe, the sky


state of springtime

'alam ba.Dhaanaa

عَلَم کا پھریرا اُتار لینا اور اسے تہ کر کے رکھ دینا (محرم یا عزاداری ختم ہونے پر)


science that discusses the rules of consistency, eloquence, rhetoric, and ingenuity in the word, so as to avoid error in stating what is appropriate at the point


بسیط چیزوں کی دنیا، پھیلی ہوئی دنیا، پوری کائنات، سارا زمانہ


nameless world


state of being heartless, disenchanted


state of youthfulness


state of the restlessness of heart


world of water and dust


optics, photology


inner world


science of the use of figures of speech, the branch of rhetoric dealing with the metaphorical use of language, the explanatory science, rhetoric




بسیط چیزوں کی دنیا، پھیلی ہوئی دنیا، پوری کائنات، سارا زمانہ


state of going in the wrong direction


the state of being beside oneself, intoxicated, ecstasy


Optics, Science of sight.


state of forlornness


پانی اور مٹی کا جہان


a scholar who does not act according to his knowledge


scholar who acts according to his sayings


peerless, matchless world


the hidden world, the hereafter


world of water and dust

Showing search results for: English meaning of aalamb, English meaning of alamb

Citation Index: See the sources referred to in building Rekhta Dictionary

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