Words tagged under "Shiaism"
List of Urdu words and terms related with "Shiaism" consisting of definitions, descriptions, elucidations and topical and subject-specific categorizations
a short title of Shahrbanu the grand-daughter of Nausherwan (Persian king famous for his justice) who was the wife of Imam Husain (it is used in elegy as allusion)
an aborted attempt to resolve a theological dispute between Muslims and Christians circa 632 CE by invoking the curse of God upon the liars, between a Christian delegation from Najran and Muhammad was accompanied to the mubahala by his daughter Fatima, her husband Ali, and their two sons, Hasan and Husain, the peace treaty was finally reached by which the Christians agreed to pay an annual poll-tax (jizya)
a member of a Shiite sect believing that Ismail, the son of the sixth Shiite Imam, should have become the seventh Imam, Ismailiya
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