Words tagged under "Plant"
List of Urdu words and terms related with "Plant" consisting of definitions, descriptions, elucidations and topical and subject-specific categorizations
the seed of a plant of the dill kind (Ligusticum ajowan), a species of lovage or bishop's weed with the flavour of carraways (Ptychotis ajowan), used medicinally by the natives, Apium graveolens, celery
vine, Indian sarsaparilla Hemidesmus indicus, used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat skin diseases
root of a plant, Withania somnifera, of Solanaceae family, used in the Ayurvedic system of medicine
a perennial herb having large and ovoid roots, used in medicine, bilaikand, Batatas paniculata
about twelve feet long tree with white flowers and black round flat fruit, used as medicine, Clerodendron Infortunatum
the leaf and the bark of the bhoj tree (used for writing on, and also in making tubes and pipes for the huqqa)
a plant the fruit of which is a prickly nut (of the size of the filbert), which adheres to a garment coming in contact
a kind of grass (generally found growing with dub, which it resembles, except in being about three times as large, it is much used as fodder)
the plant Pharnaceum mollugo, and its fruit (it is used as a topic, and cure for ear-ache, ague etc.)
a kind of flowering plant whose roots were formerly used to make marshmallow, Althœa officinalis, marshmallow
the black or Indian cuckoo (this bird makes a prominent figure in Hindu poetry, and is supposed by its musical cry to inspire pleasing and tender emotions)
maidaa lak.Dii
a species of root resembling ginger (used as a drug, especially in cases of fever and consumption, it is brought from the Morung district, and is one of the eight principal medicaments)
living or founding in a particular area (animal or plant), Modern term: a foreigner who has got the citizenship of a another country
the ichneumon-plant, Ophioxylon Serpentinum (supposed to furnish the ichneumon or mongoose with an antidote when bitten in a conflict with a snake)
appear, come out, be extracted or taken out, be taken off, be produced, be uttered (of a word etc), begin, be invented, exceed, slip, escape, go forth or out, exit, depart, go into exile, grow, shoot, spring up, issue, flow from, rise, rise (Sun), emerge, to result, prove, turn out
belonging to another country, foreigner, stranger, one who travels a lot, wanderer, Alien, absentee lover or beloved
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