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Showing results for "पीछे"


ago, at some time in the past, formerly, backside, behind, rear, subsequently, in consequence of, for the sake of, on account of, due to, after, in the rear, astern, afterwards, in the absence of,after the death of



later on

piichhe se

later, in a few moment, afterwards



after (someone)

piichhe kar


piichhe-piichhe honaa

piichhe-piichhe rahnaa

piichhe-piichhe phirnaa

follow everywhere, to dog someone's steps

piichhe pa.Dnaa

become obsessed with or deeply involved in some work, take someone to task, persevere in or be bent upon finishing (some work), be bent upon acquiring something or making someone do something, pursue tenaciously, hound, dog, chase, stalk

piichhe-piichhe ho lenaa

piichhe chho.Dnaa

bequeath, hand down to posterity, be survived by (after death)

piichhe kuchh aur mu.nh par mumaanii

piichhe pa.D jaanaa

piichhe pa.Daa rahnaa

piichhe chho.D denaa


piichhe karke

piichhe karnaa

push or move back, put behind

piichhe aanaa

to follow

piichhe honaa

give up, withdraw, step back, retreat

piichhe aanaa

to come after, to follow, to ensue, to come late

piichhe lagaanaa

have someone hound, cause (someone) to pursue

piichhe jaanaa

piichhe rahnaa

to keep back, fall or lag behind

piichhe lagnaa


piichhe Daalnaa

lay by

piichhe haTnaa

piichhe rakhnaa

piichhe phirnaa

to follow, go after

piichhe lipaTnaa

persecute, pester

piichhe lagaa rahnaa

make continuous efforts, pursue or follow doggedly

piichhe ho lenaa

piichhe piichhe lagnaa

piichhe Dhakelnaa

piichhe rahaa hu.aa

remaining, surviving

piichhe rah jaanaa

piichhe lag jaanaa

piichhe piichhe lage rahnaa

piichhe ko phirnaa

piichhe lagaa denaa

piichhe lagaa phirnaa

piichhe lage phirnaa

piichhe balaa lagnaa

piichhe balaa lagaanaa

be hounded by or to become involved with a troublesome person

koso.n piichhe




after a year


after this, then, thereupon

'iid piichhe Tar, baraat piichhe dhau.nsa

rejoicing after the festival is over and music after the wedding

koso.n piichhe rahnaa

maar piichhe sa.nvaar

patch up after a quarrel


per house, from every house


in a row, one after another, in tandem, in succession, in a series, fore and aft, sooner or later, by and by, in due course, confusedly, improperly



after someone's death, behind one's back, in the absence of, behind someone's back


to say (a thing) behind (one's) back, to backbite

baraat piichhe dhau.nsaa 'iid ke piichhe Tar

taking action when opportunity is lost

saa.nch piichhe vaad nahii.n, raa.nD piichhe kaal nahii.n

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Showing results for "पीछे"


ago, at some time in the past, formerly, backside, behind, rear, subsequently, in consequence of, for the sake of, on account of, due to, after, in the rear, astern, afterwards, in the absence of,after the death of



later on

piichhe se

later, in a few moment, afterwards



after (someone)

piichhe kar


piichhe-piichhe honaa

piichhe-piichhe rahnaa

piichhe-piichhe phirnaa

follow everywhere, to dog someone's steps

piichhe pa.Dnaa

become obsessed with or deeply involved in some work, take someone to task, persevere in or be bent upon finishing (some work), be bent upon acquiring something or making someone do something, pursue tenaciously, hound, dog, chase, stalk

piichhe-piichhe ho lenaa

piichhe chho.Dnaa

bequeath, hand down to posterity, be survived by (after death)

piichhe kuchh aur mu.nh par mumaanii

piichhe pa.D jaanaa

piichhe pa.Daa rahnaa

piichhe chho.D denaa


piichhe karke

piichhe karnaa

push or move back, put behind

piichhe aanaa

to follow

piichhe honaa

give up, withdraw, step back, retreat

piichhe aanaa

to come after, to follow, to ensue, to come late

piichhe lagaanaa

have someone hound, cause (someone) to pursue

piichhe jaanaa

piichhe rahnaa

to keep back, fall or lag behind

piichhe lagnaa


piichhe Daalnaa

lay by

piichhe haTnaa

piichhe rakhnaa

piichhe phirnaa

to follow, go after

piichhe lipaTnaa

persecute, pester

piichhe lagaa rahnaa

make continuous efforts, pursue or follow doggedly

piichhe ho lenaa

piichhe piichhe lagnaa

piichhe Dhakelnaa

piichhe rahaa hu.aa

remaining, surviving

piichhe rah jaanaa

piichhe lag jaanaa

piichhe piichhe lage rahnaa

piichhe ko phirnaa

piichhe lagaa denaa

piichhe lagaa phirnaa

piichhe lage phirnaa

piichhe balaa lagnaa

piichhe balaa lagaanaa

be hounded by or to become involved with a troublesome person

koso.n piichhe




after a year


after this, then, thereupon

'iid piichhe Tar, baraat piichhe dhau.nsa

rejoicing after the festival is over and music after the wedding

koso.n piichhe rahnaa

maar piichhe sa.nvaar

patch up after a quarrel


per house, from every house


in a row, one after another, in tandem, in succession, in a series, fore and aft, sooner or later, by and by, in due course, confusedly, improperly



after someone's death, behind one's back, in the absence of, behind someone's back


to say (a thing) behind (one's) back, to backbite

baraat piichhe dhau.nsaa 'iid ke piichhe Tar

taking action when opportunity is lost

saa.nch piichhe vaad nahii.n, raa.nD piichhe kaal nahii.n

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