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Showing results for "پڑھنا"




pa.Dhnaa likhnaa

reading and writing, getting education, training, gaining education

pa.Dhnaa va.Dhnaa

to read

pa.Dhnaa pa.Dhaanaa


nauha pa.Dhnaa

kalima pa.Dhnaa

recite the Kalima (la-ilaha illal-lah, there is no god but God), declare belief in Muslim creed, be converted to Islam

KHutba pa.Dhnaa

read a sermon

aamoKHta pa.Dhnaa

to read over old lesson, to revise the lesson.

yaasiin pa.Dhnaa

recite sura Yaseen (esp. at the time of death)

marsiya pa.Dhnaa

reciting an elegy

janaaza pa.Dhnaa

say funeral prayers

faatiha pa.Dhnaa

to repeat the fātiḥa (over), to repeat prayers for the dead, to give (a thing) up as lost, to be disappointed or despondent

maqaala pa.Dhnaa

to present a research paper on a particular topic

naazira pa.Dhnaa

read by sight, (as opposed to by heart)

'amal pa.Dhnaa

recite a magical formula or incantation

siiGa pa.Dhnaa

naa't pa.Dhnaa

to pay respect and praise the Prophet Mohammad through recital of poetic verses

qasiida pa.Dhnaa

'iid pa.Dhnaa

du'aa pa.Dhnaa

mushaa'ara pa.Dhnaa

reciting poetry in a poetic gathering

naa'te.n pa.Dhnaa

vaziifa pa.Dhnaa

to read or repeat (one's) daily prayers

daa'vat pa.Dhnaa

recite incantations, invoke spirits

mu.nh me.n pa.Dhnaa

mumble, read or recite inaudibly

faatiha-e-KHair pa.Dhnaa

blessings on the dead, to repeat the ftia(over), to repeat prayers for the dead

qavaa'id pa.Dhnaa

salle 'alaa pa.Dhnaa

naam kaa kalima pa.Dhnaa

to respect someone highly

nabii kaa kalima pa.Dhnaa

to take the name of Prophet Mohammed, to describe to name of Prophet Mohammed

naam kaa KHutba pa.Dhnaa

kisii kaa kalima pa.Dhnaa

to have faith in someone, to devote someone

mu.nh me.n pa.Dhnaa

naano.n kaa KHutba pa.Dhnaa

gaa.nTh pa.Dhnaa

laahaul pa.Dhnaa

give up, relinquish (an idea)

kalmaa-e-shahaadat pa.Dhnaa

say 'I declare that there is no god but Allah and I declare that Muhammad is His worshipper and His Prophet'

qul huvallaah pa.Dhnaa

to repeat the words qul huwaʼllāh , or say, God is One', to grumble (the bowels), to be hungry

tote kii tarah kalima pa.Dhnaa

to be pretend Muslim

tarah pa.Dhnaa

miTTii pa.Dhnaa

likhnaa pa.Dhnaa

read and write, academic pursuit or work, reading and writing

paTTii pa.Dhnaa

to be deceived

zabaanii pa.Dhnaa

read or recite from memory

Gazal pa.Dhnaa

recite a ghazal

javaab pa.Dhnaa

guftuguu pa.Dhnaa

ravaa.n pa.Dhnaa

read fluently, read easily

matlab pa.Dhnaa

afsuu.n pa.Dnaa

intone a magical word, chant a formula or verse

kitaab pa.Dhnaa

saaf pa.Dhnaa

qazaa pa.Dhnaa

say one's prayer after the appointed time

saamaan pa.Dhnaa

soz pa.Dhnaa

farz pa.Dhnaa

to repeat the enjoined prayers (to God)

sabaq pa.Dhnaa

namaaz pa.Dhnaa

offer prayer or prayers

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Showing results for "پڑھنا"




pa.Dhnaa likhnaa

reading and writing, getting education, training, gaining education

pa.Dhnaa va.Dhnaa

to read

pa.Dhnaa pa.Dhaanaa


nauha pa.Dhnaa

kalima pa.Dhnaa

recite the Kalima (la-ilaha illal-lah, there is no god but God), declare belief in Muslim creed, be converted to Islam

KHutba pa.Dhnaa

read a sermon

aamoKHta pa.Dhnaa

to read over old lesson, to revise the lesson.

yaasiin pa.Dhnaa

recite sura Yaseen (esp. at the time of death)

marsiya pa.Dhnaa

reciting an elegy

janaaza pa.Dhnaa

say funeral prayers

faatiha pa.Dhnaa

to repeat the fātiḥa (over), to repeat prayers for the dead, to give (a thing) up as lost, to be disappointed or despondent

maqaala pa.Dhnaa

to present a research paper on a particular topic

naazira pa.Dhnaa

read by sight, (as opposed to by heart)

'amal pa.Dhnaa

recite a magical formula or incantation

siiGa pa.Dhnaa

naa't pa.Dhnaa

to pay respect and praise the Prophet Mohammad through recital of poetic verses

qasiida pa.Dhnaa

'iid pa.Dhnaa

du'aa pa.Dhnaa

mushaa'ara pa.Dhnaa

reciting poetry in a poetic gathering

naa'te.n pa.Dhnaa

vaziifa pa.Dhnaa

to read or repeat (one's) daily prayers

daa'vat pa.Dhnaa

recite incantations, invoke spirits

mu.nh me.n pa.Dhnaa

mumble, read or recite inaudibly

faatiha-e-KHair pa.Dhnaa

blessings on the dead, to repeat the ftia(over), to repeat prayers for the dead

qavaa'id pa.Dhnaa

salle 'alaa pa.Dhnaa

naam kaa kalima pa.Dhnaa

to respect someone highly

nabii kaa kalima pa.Dhnaa

to take the name of Prophet Mohammed, to describe to name of Prophet Mohammed

naam kaa KHutba pa.Dhnaa

kisii kaa kalima pa.Dhnaa

to have faith in someone, to devote someone

mu.nh me.n pa.Dhnaa

naano.n kaa KHutba pa.Dhnaa

gaa.nTh pa.Dhnaa

laahaul pa.Dhnaa

give up, relinquish (an idea)

kalmaa-e-shahaadat pa.Dhnaa

say 'I declare that there is no god but Allah and I declare that Muhammad is His worshipper and His Prophet'

qul huvallaah pa.Dhnaa

to repeat the words qul huwaʼllāh , or say, God is One', to grumble (the bowels), to be hungry

tote kii tarah kalima pa.Dhnaa

to be pretend Muslim

tarah pa.Dhnaa

miTTii pa.Dhnaa

likhnaa pa.Dhnaa

read and write, academic pursuit or work, reading and writing

paTTii pa.Dhnaa

to be deceived

zabaanii pa.Dhnaa

read or recite from memory

Gazal pa.Dhnaa

recite a ghazal

javaab pa.Dhnaa

guftuguu pa.Dhnaa

ravaa.n pa.Dhnaa

read fluently, read easily

matlab pa.Dhnaa

afsuu.n pa.Dnaa

intone a magical word, chant a formula or verse

kitaab pa.Dhnaa

saaf pa.Dhnaa

qazaa pa.Dhnaa

say one's prayer after the appointed time

saamaan pa.Dhnaa

soz pa.Dhnaa

farz pa.Dhnaa

to repeat the enjoined prayers (to God)

sabaq pa.Dhnaa

namaaz pa.Dhnaa

offer prayer or prayers

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