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Showing results for "shaahid-e-raa'naa"
Meaning ofSee meaning shaahid-e-raa'naa in English, Hindi & Urdu
English meaning of shaahid-e-raa'naa
Noun, Masculine, Singular
- pretty and handsome beloved
Sher Examples
dil jalva-gāh-e-husn banā faiz-e-ishq se
vo daaġh hai ki shāhid-e-rānā kaheñ jise
dil jalwa-gah-e-husn bana faiz-e-ishq se
wo dagh hai ki shahid-e-rana kahen jise
kyā shāhid-e-rānā chhāñTā hai allāh-re merī dīda-varī
ye husn sar-e-bāzār nahīñ ye zauq-e-tamāshā aam nahīñ
kya shahid-e-rana chhanTa hai allah-re meri dida-wari
ye husn sar-e-bazar nahin ye zauq-e-tamasha aam nahin
bazm-e-mah-o-anjum ko bhī ai shāhid-e-rānā
ye nuur se bharpūr fazā tujh se milī hai
bazm-e-mah-o-anjum ko bhi ai shahid-e-rana
ye nur se bharpur faza tujh se mili hai
शाहिद-ए-रा'ना के हिंदी अर्थ
संज्ञा, पुल्लिंग, एकवचन
- सुंदर और आकर्षक प्रेमिका
شاہِدِ رَعْنا کے اردو معانی
- Roman
- Urdu
اسم، مذکر، واحد
- حسین وجمیل معشوق، طرحدارمعشوق
Urdu meaning of shaahid-e-raa'naa
- Roman
- Urdu
- husain vajmiil maashuuq, tarahdaar maashuuq
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رک: جے کا تحتی ؛ وہ مالا جسے سوئمبر کی رسم میں لڑکی کسی شخص کو بطور شوہر پسند کر کے اس کے گلے میں ڈالے.
the garland that is worn to the victor for his victory, the garland that the girl puts on the neck of her selected man at the time of marriage
bhus me.n aag lagaa jamaalo duur kha.Dii
said of a mischief-monger who stands aside after creating trouble
bhus me.n chingii de kar jamaalo duur kha.Dii
said of a mischief-monger who stands aside after creating trouble
bhus me.n Tiimii Daal jamaalo duur kha.Dii
said of a mischief-monger who stands aside after creating trouble
bhus me.n chingii Daal jamaalo duur kha.Dii
said of a mischief-monger who stands aside after creating trouble
chal chhaa.nv me.n aa.ii huu.n, jumla piir manaa.ii huu.n
ایسے شخص کے لیے مستعمل جو تھوڑی سی دولت و ثروت پر اترا جائے
bhus me.n chi.ngaarii Daal jamaalo duur kha.Dii
said of a mischief-monger who stands aside after creating trouble
(قواعد) وہ جملہ جس میں کسی جملہؑ تام کے اندر اسم فعل یا کوئی اور ضروری جزو کلام حسن بیان کے لیے یا غیر ضروری سمجھ کر چھوڑ دیا جاتا ہے
of that number, out of that total, out of them all, out of the whole, in short, in substance, on the whole, out of, from among
the finance minister of Deccan's Bahmani Empire, the caretaker of all departments of a monarch
from among (many things or persons), from or out of the whole, out of all, among all, of all these, totally, upon the whole
a name of God indicating divine attributes of mercy, benevolence, beauty, etc., a name of God which represents His beauty, glory, love, mercy and beneficence for the mankind
Showing search results for: English meaning of shaahideraanaa, English meaning of shahiderana
Citation Index: See the sources referred to in building Rekhta Dictionary

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