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four stages




a meter used in Rubai poetry

Meaning ofSee meaning rubaa'ii in English, Hindi & Urdu



Origin: Arabic

Vazn : 112

Plural: rubaa'iyaat

Tags: Poetry Prosody

Word Family: r-b-a

English meaning of rubaa'ii

Noun, Feminine, Singular

  • four stages
  • four, one out of four, the fourth part
  • a stanza of four lines, a genre of poetry having four lines, a quatrain


  • having four parts

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रुबा'ई के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, स्त्रीलिंग, एकवचन

  • चार से मिश्रित, चार अंशों वाला, चतुश्चरण
  • चार-चार बार करके, (एक चरण के बजाय) चार चरण, चार गुना, चौगुना
  • (छंद) उर्दू और फ़ार्सी का एक छंद-विशेष जिसका मूल वज़्न 1 तगण 1 यगण एक सगण और एक मगण होता है (ऽऽ।, Iऽऽ, ॥ऽ, ऽऽ), इसके पहले दूसरे और चौथे पद में क़ाफ़िया होता है, कभी-कभी चारों ही सानुप्रास होते हैं, परंतु अच्छा यही है कि चौथा सानुप्रास न हो, काव्य की एक शैली जिस में चार पक्तियों में बात पूरी हो जाती है


  • जिसके चार भाग होंं,चार भागों वाला

رُباعی کے اردو معانی

اسم، مؤنث، واحد

  • چار سے مرکب، چار اجزا والا
  • چارچار بار کر کے، (ایک نوبت کے بجائے) چارنوبت، چہار چند، چوگنا
  • (عروض) بحر کے مُقَرَّر چوبیس اوزان میں سے کسی ایک یا زیادہ (تا چہار) وزن میں کہی ہوئی چار مصرعوں والی نظم جس کے پہلے دوسرے اور چوتھے مصرعوں والی نظم جس کے پہلے مصرعوں اور چوتھے مصرع میں قا فیہ ہو (تیسرے میں ہو یا نہ ہو)


  • جس کے چار حصے یا جز ہوں، چار اجزا والا

Interesting Information on rubaa'ii

Rubai (quatrain) comes from the Arabic word Ruba’, meaning four. It is a form of poetry in which an entire theme is expressed in four hemistiches. Originating in Iran, and attaining worldwide fame through Oman Khayyam’s Persian quatrains, it was from there that Rubai made its way into Urdu. Rubai is composed specifically in 24 syllables(Auzaan), with its first, second, and fourth hemistiches following the same rhyming elements. The fourth line of a Rubai is like a punch line. Composing it is a delicate and difficult art, about which Josh has asserted, ‘Rubai 40-50 baras ki Mashshaaqi Ke baad Qabuu mein aati hai’. ġhunche terī zindagī pe dil hiltā hai sirf ek tabassum ke liye khiltā hai ġhunche ne kahā ki is chaman meñ baabā ye ek tabassum bhī kise miltā hai The themes expressed in a Rubai are quite expansive. From the very beginning in Urdu, poets tried their hand at this genre. Anis and Dabeer gave credence to this art by composing quatrains on religious and moral subjects. Then there are the prominent names of Hali and Akbar Allahabadi who centered their Rubais around morality, sociology, and politics. FIraq Gorakhpuri, in his collections of Rubais titled ‘Roop’, composed quatrains which are imbued with Shringar-Rasa, and illustrate the vividity of Indian habitat and woman.

Author: Azra Naqvi

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