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Showing results for "pita"
Urdu words for pita
pita के देवनागरी में उर्दू अर्थ
- एक अमरीकी नबात-ए-सब्र हासिल शुदा रेशा
- अलवा
- अमरीकी सोसन
- ख़ूओद ये नबात
- पीता
- शिर्क़ औसत का गोल और चपटा नान
pita کے اردو معانی
- ایک امریکی نباتِ صَبر حاصَل شُدہ ریشہ
- ایلوا
- امریکی سوسن
- خُود یہ نبات
- پیتا
- شرق اوسط کا گول اور چَپٹا نان
Related searched words
a kind of board on which children learn to write, a kind of mat, parting of the hair in the middle of the head, the side of a bedstead
a belt, sash or strap and badge of service, a board on which Hindus sit while eating or performing religious ceremonies, a deed of lease, a horse's girth, a wooden club or cudgel, baldric (for sword or other piece of equipment), dog-collar, lock of (man's) hair, muscle, the sport of fighting with wooden clubs or sticks
breath, circumference, diameter,channel of a river, middle of a page, slack of the string of a flying kite, span, girth, stomach and intestines, total sum
belt, belly-band, circlet, box, case, casket, suitcase, large tin or iron box, portmanteau, leather suitcase
Citation Index: See the sources referred to in building Rekhta Dictionary
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