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a kind of very small fish


accelerate, activities, walks, tricks


style, motion, fashion, manners, deportment (a kind of 'chaal-dhaal' dictation)

chaal denaa


behaviour, gait, way or style of walking or moving, manners, deportment,

chaal pa.Dnaa


chaal u.Daanaa

copy the style or manners of another

chaal honaa

chaal u.Dvaanaa



behaviour, demeanour

chaal biga.Dnaa

chaal paka.Dnaa

become current

chaal baka.Dnaa

chaal jaan.naa

chaal bigaa.Dnaa


auspicious moment or day for setting out on a journey


a frame of bamboo

chaal dikhaa.o

chaal karnaa


chaal milnaa

smell a rat

chaal rahnaa

chaal dikhaanaa

to show the paces (of), to go away, be off


running, current, in circulation, afoot, in use

chaal chakkar

fraud, cheating, deceit

chaal chalnaa

deceive, play a trick, adopt another's manners or style, (in a board game) move

chaal me.n aanaa

be deceived or misled, fall into a trap

chaal kaaTnaa

chaal siidhii pa.Dnaa

chaal dikhlaanaa

chaal khulnaa

chaal biga.D jaanaa

chaal sochnaa

chaal haarnaa

chaal khelnaa


character, conduct, behavior, manner

chaal banaanaa

chaal bataanaa

chaal chuuknaa

make a mistake, miss a move

chaal vaqtii rasma


chaal bhuulnaa

chaal nikalnaa

chaal rah jaanaa


a sieve, a strainer, an instrument for sifting flour


pass through a sieve, sift, shake

chaal siikhnaa

chaal suujhnaa

have a sudden bright idea, a trick or move to come to mind



chaal na.ii honaa

chaal-Dhaal dikhaanaa

chaal nikaalnaa

chaal batlaanaa

chaal sikhaanaa

chaal sujhaanaa

chaal pe aanaa


after forty days from the date of death, a traditional ceremony takes place in the memory of the late person where all relatives and neighborhood are invited and food is served to poor and needy person

chaal kaa fatar


the fruit of the areca palm (areca catechu)

Meaning ofSee meaning muraaqaba in English, Hindi & Urdu



Origin: Arabic

Vazn : 1212

Plural: muraaqabaat

Tags: Sufism

Word Family: r-q-b

English meaning of muraaqaba

Noun, Masculine, Singular

  • watch, observation, contemplation, meditation, guarding (Especially of the Divine), paying regard or consideration (to )

    Example - Dil na-qabil-e-tashkhir (Unconquerable) nahin hai, ise muraqaba, jog waghaira ke zariya qabu mein kiya ja sakta hai

  • (Sufism) self-awareness, major aspect of Sufi contemplative discipline, fear (of God)

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मुराक़बा के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, पुल्लिंग, एकवचन

  • ध्यान की मुद्रा, आँख बंद कर के कुछ सोचना, संसार से हटकर ईश्वर में ध्यान लगाना, समाधि, अवधान, योग, धारणा

    उदाहरण - दिल नाक़ाबिल-ए-तसख़ीर (अजेय) नहीं है, इसे मुराक़बा, जोग वग़ैरा के ज़रिआ क़ाबू में किया जा सकता है

  • (सूफ़ीवाद) मन को ईष्वर के साथ लगा कर रखना और चित्त को ब्रह्म में ऐसा लीन रखना कि अनेकदेववाद या अहंकार का भय न हो

مُراقَبَہ کے اردو معانی

اسم، مذکر، واحد

  • ﷲ کے ماسوا کو چھوڑ کر محض ﷲ کی طرف دل لگانا، گردن جھکا کر غور و فکر کرنا، استغراق، گیان، دھیان، تصور، سوچ بچار

    مثال - دل ناقابل تسخیر نہیں ہے، اسے مراقبہ، جوگ وغیرہ کے ذریعہ قابو میں کیا جا سکتا ہے

  • (تصوف) دل کو حق تعالیٰ کے ساتھ حاضر رکھنا اور قلب کو حضوریٔ حق میں ایسا رکھنا کہ خطرات دوئی اور خودی نہ آنے پائیں اور اگر آئیں تو دفع کرے

Showing search results for: English meaning of muraakaba, English meaning of murakaba

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