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Showing results for "muraafa'a"


plea, appeal against some judgement, carrying on lawsuit, action, statement of case, an application for reconsideration in a larger court if a case is defeated in a small court,

muraafa'a karnaa

to legitimate, to appeal, carry on a law suit


اپیل دائر کرنے والا ۔


final appeal


second appeal


court of first instance


(قانون) وہ عدالت جس میں پہلا دعویٰ یا اپیل ہو نیز پہلی اپیل ۔

muraafa'a karnaa

عدالت میں اپیل کرنا۔


a law court that has the power to change the decision of a lower court, court of appeal(s)


a court of second instance, a lower appellate court


a court of first instance, the First Appellate Court, the court in which a suit is first brought, an original court

Meaning ofSee meaning muraafa'a in English, Hindi & Urdu



Origin: Arabic

Vazn : 1212

Tags: Legal

Word Family: r-f-a

English meaning of muraafa'a

Noun, Masculine

  • plea, appeal against some judgement, carrying on lawsuit, action, statement of case, an application for reconsideration in a larger court if a case is defeated in a small court,

मुराफ़'आ के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, पुल्लिंग

  • अपील, पुर्नावचार-प्रार्थना, पुनर्याय-प्रार्थना, छोटी अदालत में मुकदमा हार जाने पर बड़ी अदालत में पुनर्विचार के लिए दिया जानेवाला प्रार्थना-पत्र

مُرافَعَہ کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu

اسم، مذکر

  • حاکم کے سامنے اپنا دعویٰ پیش کرنا، استغاثہ، ایک حاکم کے فیصلے پر مطمئن نہ ہو کر اس سے بڑے حاکم کے پاس عذر خواہی کرنا، اپیل

Urdu meaning of muraafa'a

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • haakim ke saamne apnaa daavaa pesh karnaa, istiGaasa, ek haakim ke faisle par mutamin na ho kar is se ba.De haakim ke paas uzr Khvaahii karnaa, apiil

Compound words of muraafa'a

Related searched words


plea, appeal against some judgement, carrying on lawsuit, action, statement of case, an application for reconsideration in a larger court if a case is defeated in a small court,

muraafa'a karnaa

to legitimate, to appeal, carry on a law suit


اپیل دائر کرنے والا ۔


final appeal


second appeal


court of first instance


(قانون) وہ عدالت جس میں پہلا دعویٰ یا اپیل ہو نیز پہلی اپیل ۔

muraafa'a karnaa

عدالت میں اپیل کرنا۔


a law court that has the power to change the decision of a lower court, court of appeal(s)


a court of second instance, a lower appellate court


a court of first instance, the First Appellate Court, the court in which a suit is first brought, an original court

Showing search results for: English meaning of muraafaa, English meaning of muraaphaa

Citation Index: See the sources referred to in building Rekhta Dictionary

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