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Showing results for "mehmaan-daar"


a hospitable man, one who has the charge of receiving and entertaining guests, an entertainer, a host, an officer appointed to receive and entertain an ambassador


a hospitable man, one who has the charge of receiving and entertaining guests, an entertainer, a host, an officer appointed to receive and entertain an ambassador


जिसके यहाँ कोई मेह- मान हो, अतिथिपूजक, मेहमाननवाज़ ।।


entertainment, hospitality, a waiting upon guests


entertainment, hospitality, a waiting upon guests


अतिथिपूजा, आतिथ्य, | मेहमाननवाज़ी ।।

kuchh der kaa mehmaan honaa

be about to die or end

zaraa sii der kaa mehmaan

بہت تھوڑے وقت کے لیے ٹھہرنے والا ، جلد رخصت ہونے والا مہمان ؛ (مجازاً) ناپائیدار.

kuchh der kii mehmaan honaa

قریب المرگ ہونا ؛ چند دنوں یا لمحوں کی زندگی ہونا.

Meaning ofSee meaning mehmaan-daar in English, Hindi & Urdu


मेहमान-दारمِہمان دار

Also Read As : mehmaan-daar

Origin: Persian

Vazn : 22121

English meaning of mehmaan-daar


  • host
  • a hospitable man, one who has the charge of receiving and entertaining guests, an entertainer, a host, an officer appointed to receive and entertain an ambassador

मेहमान-दार के हिंदी अर्थ


  • अतिथि बुलाने वाला व्यक्ति, आतिथेय एवं वह व्यक्ति जो अतिथियों की आव-भगत पर नियुक्त हो
  • मेज़बान, मेहमान बुलाने वाला, मेहमान नवाज़

مِہمان دار کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu


  • مہمان بلانے والا شخص، میزبان نیز وہ شخص جو مہمانوں کی خاطرداری پر متعین ہو
  • میزبان ، مہمان بلانے والا ، مہمان نواز

Urdu meaning of mehmaan-daar

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • mehmaan bulaane vaala shaKhs, mezbaan niiz vo shaKhs jo mehmaano.n kii khaatirdaarii par mutayyan ho
  • mezbaan, mehmaan bulaane vaala, mehmaan navaaz

Related searched words


a hospitable man, one who has the charge of receiving and entertaining guests, an entertainer, a host, an officer appointed to receive and entertain an ambassador


a hospitable man, one who has the charge of receiving and entertaining guests, an entertainer, a host, an officer appointed to receive and entertain an ambassador


जिसके यहाँ कोई मेह- मान हो, अतिथिपूजक, मेहमाननवाज़ ।।


entertainment, hospitality, a waiting upon guests


entertainment, hospitality, a waiting upon guests


अतिथिपूजा, आतिथ्य, | मेहमाननवाज़ी ।।

kuchh der kaa mehmaan honaa

be about to die or end

zaraa sii der kaa mehmaan

بہت تھوڑے وقت کے لیے ٹھہرنے والا ، جلد رخصت ہونے والا مہمان ؛ (مجازاً) ناپائیدار.

kuchh der kii mehmaan honaa

قریب المرگ ہونا ؛ چند دنوں یا لمحوں کی زندگی ہونا.

Showing search results for: English meaning of mehmaandaar, English meaning of mehmandar

Citation Index: See the sources referred to in building Rekhta Dictionary

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