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Meaning ofSee meaning marsiya in English, Hindi & Urdu
English meaning of marsiya
Sher Examples
marsiya huuñ maiñ ġhulāmoñ kī ḳhush-ilhāmī kā
shaah ke haq meñ qasīda nahīñ hone vaalā
marsiya hun main ghulamon ki KHush-ilhami ka
shah ke haq mein qasida nahin hone wala
ġham siiñ ahl-e-bait ke jī to tirā kuḌhtā nahīñ
yuuñ abas paḌhtā phirā jo marsiya to kyā huā
gham sin ahl-e-bait ke ji to tera kuDhta nahin
yun abas paDhta phira jo marsiya to kya hua
hamāre us marg-e-javāñ ko kaun samjhegā
irāda hai ki apnā marsiya bhī aap hī likh leñ
hamare baad us marg-e-jawan ko kaun samjhega
irada hai ki apna marsiya bhi aap hi likh len
मर्सिया के हिंदी अर्थ
संज्ञा, पुल्लिंग
- किसी मृत व्यक्ति की स्मृति में लिखा हुआ शोक-गीत, मृत व्यक्ति का गुणगान, शोक-काव्य
- कर्बला के मैदान में शहीद होने वाले इमाम हुसेन और उनके साथियों की स्मृति में लिखा हुआ शोक-गीत, इमाम हुसैन की याद में पढ़ा जाने वाला महाकाव्य
- ( लाक्षणिक) मातम, सियापा, रोना-पीटना, मायूस होना या मायूसी का वर्णन करना
مَرثِیَہ کے اردو معانی
- Roman
- Urdu
اسم، مذکر
- وہ نظم یا اشعار جن میں کسی شخص کی وفات یا شہادت کا حال یا اس کے ساتھ اس کی مصیبتوں کا ذکر ہو
- خاص طور پر وہ نظم یا اشعار جن میں امام حسین اور دوسرے شہدائے کربلا کی مظلومی اور شہادت کے مصائب بیان کیے جائیں
- (مجازاً) ماتم، رونا پیٹنا، مایوس ہونا یا مایوسی کا ذکر کرنا
Urdu meaning of marsiya
- Roman
- Urdu
- vo nazam ya ashaar jin me.n kisii shaKhs kii vafaat ya shahaadat ka haal ya is ke saath us kii musiibto.n ka zikr ho
- khaastaur par vo nazam ya ashaar jin me.n imaam husain aur duusre shuhdaa.e karbalaa kii mazluumii aur shahaadat ke masaa.ib byaan ki.e jaa.e.n
- (majaazan) maatam, rona piiTnaa, maayuus honaa ya maayuusii ka zikr karnaa
Idioms of marsiya
Compound words of marsiya
Interesting Information on marsiya
At one time the following saying was very popular in Lucknow, ‘Bigda gawayya Qawwal Aur Bigda Shair Marsiya-Go’. But Mir Anis (1803-1874), and other elegy reciters (Marsiya-Go) of that time entirely wiped it out. Marsiya, originally an Arabic word means mourning over the dead. Marsiyas have been composed in Persian as well, but in Urdu long Marsiyas written in hexameters with reference to the event of Karbala and the martyrdom of Imam Hussain have a unique status. It's not just tantamount to religious poetry, but an epic of the highest form of literature. These poems involve several aspects like imagery, historical events, characterization, emotionality, courage-display, and dramatics. Adorned with a combination of local customs, culture, and creative language, it is a genre that is a matter of pride for Urdu poetry and an exquisite treasure of words and their usage. The enchanting manner in which Mir Babbar Ali Anis used to sit on the pulpit in the Imam Bara of Lucknow and perform prosodic recitals of his Marsiya is also an important part of our history. Even today, in gatherings, or in electronic media, the elegy reciters imitate the same style. In some gatherings, three to four reciters come together to sing elegies in different Raags which is known as Soz-Khwaani.
Author: Azra Naqvi
Related searched words
a lamentation for one dead, dirge, elegy, epicedium, (especially as a genre of poetry commemorating Imam Hussain's martyrdom at Karbala)
(حیاتیات) جین ، کروموسوم کی اکائی یا عنصر جو کسی موروثی خصوصیت کو والدین سے اولاد تک منتقل کرتی ہے اور اولاد میں کسی مخصوص خصوصیت کی نمو کو متعین کرتی ہے ، کونیہ ، نسبہ ۔
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