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Showing results for "lan-taraanii"


a word, saying, discourse, vocable


one who recites kalima, a Muslim


word for word


the God saying

kalima kahnaa

to repeat the (Muslim) confession of faith

kalima japnaa

to accept or acknowledge someone's talents or skills, to glorify someone

kalima bolnaa

to recite Kalima, to believe (in), become a convert (to), to have or put faith




praise, recommendation

kalima sunaanaa

to speak harshly (to), tell one's tale

kalima pa.Dhnaa

recite the Kalima (la-ilaha illal-lah, there is no god but God), declare belief in Muslim creed, be converted to Islam

kalima sikhaanaa

to make (one) repeat kalima


the word that is comes from the mouth at the time of surprise, like oh


दे. ‘कलिमःगो'।

kalima pa.Dhaanaa

to make (one) repeat the (Muslim) confession of faith, to convert (one) to Mohammadanism, to make a Musalman of (one)

kalima kaa shariik

Muslim fellow

kalima pa.Dhvaanaa

to make (one) repeat the (Muslim) confession of faith, to convert (one) to Mohammadanism, to make a Musalman of (one)


words of thanks, gratitude: like thanks God

kalima talqiin karnaa

to make one to recite Kalima


(Grammar) the word that is uttered in confession or in response to someone's voice


پاک کلمہ ؛ مراد : لَا اِلہَ اِلَا اللہُ مُحَمّدُ رَسُولُ اللہ.


blasphemous word or speech, blasphemy,

kalima kii u.nglii

index finger


the Kalima Tayyaba: la-ilaaha illallaah Muhammadur Rasulullaah


پاک کلمہ ؛ مراد : لَا اِلہَ اِلَا اللہُ مُحَمّدُ رَسُولُ اللہ.


the words of testimony, i.e. ash.hadu-anna la-ilaaha illallahu va ash.hadu-anna Muhammadan abduhu va Rasooluhu (I bear witness that there is no deity (none truly to be worshipped) but God, and I bear witness that Mohammed is the messenger of God


(Grammar) a word that relates a noun to another noun


word of praise, like bravo, excellent


this means 'Allahu Akbar'


unholy words, nonsense talk


the fourth kalima is also referred to as Tauheed as 'unification of oneness of God'


the word that used for address someone, like: you


i.e. Kalima-e-Tayyaba

kalima-e-KHair adaa karnaa

to praise


the word of surprising or happiness those are delivered spontaneously from the mouth, like bravo, excellent, well done etc.


وہ لفظ جس کے آخری حرف پر تنوین ہو جیسے: حکماً، شرعاً، لفظاً وغیرہ


(تصوف) وہ کلمہ جو اسم محمدّ سے منسوب ہے


in short


the finger next to the thumb; the first or index finger, forefinger, index finger

shahaadat kaa kalima

اَشْہَدُاَن لَااِلٰا اِلاَّاللہُ و اَشْہَدُاَنَّ مُحَمَّداً عَبْدُہ ورَسُولُہ اس کلمہ میں صرف خدا تعالیٰ ہی کے معبود ہونے اور رسول اکرم صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کے بندہ اور رسول ہونے پر گواہی دی جاتی ہے .


دُرُود اور کلمۂ طَیبہ، دم درود

naam kaa kalima raTnaa

to describe someone all time

kisii kaa kalima bharnaa

to miss someone all time, to memorize someone all time, chant or memorize all time someone

kufr kaa kalima bolnaa

to utter blasphemous language, to talk nonsense, to prate

naam kaa kalima pa.Dhnaa

to respect someone highly

nabii kaa kalima pa.Dhnaa

to take the name of Prophet Mohammed, to describe to name of Prophet Mohammed

kisii kaa kalima pa.Dhnaa

to have faith in someone, to devote someone

baaman kii beTii kalima jape

غیر مذہب و ملت کی خوبی کا اعتراف کرلے

baaman kii beTii kalima bhare

غیر مذہب و ملت کی خوبی کا اعتراف کرلے

baaman kii beTii kalima pa.Dhe

غیر مذہب و ملت کی خوبی کا اعتراف کرلے

tote kii tarah kalima pa.Dhnaa

to be pretend Muslim


declaration by those who speak of monotheism- that God is one

marte vaqt kalima-e-mohammad na nasiib ho

a kind of vow or evil word

Meaning ofSee meaning lan-taraanii in English, Hindi & Urdu


लन-तरानीلَنْ تَرانی

Also Read As : lantaraanii

Origin: Arabic

Vazn : 2122


English meaning of lan-taraanii

Noun, Feminine

  • (Arabic phrase that is used in Urdu) thou shalt not see me

    Special a Quranic allusion, The words are taken from the Quran, Sura (vii) 149, al-a'raaf, 'And when Moses came at our appointed time, and his Lord spake unto him, he said, "O Lord, show thyself to me, that I may behold thee" (rabbi-arinī, anz̤ur ilai-ka): He said, "Thou shalt not see Me (lan-taraanii); but look towards the mount, and if it stand firm in its place, then shalt thou see Me

  • ( Metaphorically) boasting, gasconading, airs, conceitedness
  • exaggeration, hyperbole

    Example Hamne to nausha (groom) ke husn ki badi lan-taraniyan suni thin

Sher Examples

लन-तरानी के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, स्त्रीलिंग

  • (अ‍रबी वाक्य उर्दू में प्रयुक्त) तू मुझे नहीं देख सकता', यह उस आकाशवाणी के शब्द हैं जब हज़रत मूसा ने ईश्वर का प्रकाश देखने की प्रार्थना की थी

    विशेष क़ुरआन में वर्णित उस घटना की ओर संकेत जिसमें हज़रत मूसा ने ईश्वर से उसको देखने की प्रर्थना की तो उसके प्रतिउत्तर में ईश्वर की ओर से कहा गया "लन-तरानी" अर्थात मुझे तू नहीं देख सकता

  • ( लाक्षणिक) अब डींग और शेख़ी के अर्थ में बोला जाता है, शेख़ी में आकर कही जानेवाली लंबी-चौड़ी तथा आत्म-स्तुति सूचक बात, अपनी बड़ाई करना, व्यर्थ की बड़ी बड़ी बातें, डींग मारना, दूर की हाँकना, डींग, शेख़ी,
  • वो बात जो किसी की प्रशंसा में बहुत बढ़ा-चढ़ा कर कही गई हो, अतिश्योक्ति

    उदाहरण हमने तो नौशा (दुल्हा) के हुस्न की बड़ी लन-तरानियाँ सुनी थीं

لَنْ تَرانی کے اردو معانی


اسم، مؤنث

  • (عربی فقرہ اردو میں بطور اسم مستعمل) تو مجھے ہرگز نہیں دیکھ سکے گا

    مثال ایک قرآنی تلمیح جس کے مطابق جب حضرت موسیٰ نے دیدارِ الہٰی کے لیے عرض کیا تو اس کے جواب میں ارشاد الہٰی ہوا ”لن ترانی“ یعنی مجھے تو نہیں دیکھ سکتا

  • (مجازاً) خودستائی، تعلّی، ڈینگ
  • وہ بات جو کسی کی تعریف میں بہت بڑھا چڑھا کر کہی گئی ہو، مبالغہ آمیز کتھا کہانی

    مثال ہم نے تو نوشہ کے حسن کی بڑی لن ترانیاں سنی تھیں

Urdu meaning of lan-taraanii


  • (arbii fiqra urduu me.n bataur ism mustaamal) to mujhe hargiz nahii.n dekh sakegaa
  • (majaazan) Khudasitaa.ii, taalii, Diing
  • vo baat jo kisii kii taariif me.n bahut ba.Dhaa cha.Dhaa kar kahii ga.ii ho, mubaalaGa aamez katha kahaanii

Rhyming words of lan-taraanii

Interesting Information on lan-taraanii

When words of other languages entered Urdu, their forms considerably changed. But the one word whose journey has been the most astonishing is "Lan Tarani". In Urdu, it means self-aggrandizement, bragging, or boasting (Shaikhi Marna). The word originally came from Arabic and has attained a proverbial status in Urdu. In fact, it is an Arabic phrase and a Qur'anic allusion. When Prophet Moses reached the top of Mount Sinai and implored the Lord, "O God, make me see You." Then a voice from the invisible echoed ‘Lan Tar Anni’, that is, you will never be able to see me. This allusion has been extensively used in Urdu poetry. In Allama Iqbal's poetry, the phrase is found in many places in its original Qur'anic meaning. Other poets, too, have used it in its original sense, but it’s worth noting how the term came to be used for bragging and self-aggrandizement. A couplet by Baqar Mehdi: in KHatiibo.n kaa tilism-e-lan-taraanii to.D de is hujuum-e-be-navaayaa.n me.n ko.ii aisaa to hai

Author: Azra Naqvi

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a word, saying, discourse, vocable


one who recites kalima, a Muslim


word for word


the God saying

kalima kahnaa

to repeat the (Muslim) confession of faith

kalima japnaa

to accept or acknowledge someone's talents or skills, to glorify someone

kalima bolnaa

to recite Kalima, to believe (in), become a convert (to), to have or put faith




praise, recommendation

kalima sunaanaa

to speak harshly (to), tell one's tale

kalima pa.Dhnaa

recite the Kalima (la-ilaha illal-lah, there is no god but God), declare belief in Muslim creed, be converted to Islam

kalima sikhaanaa

to make (one) repeat kalima


the word that is comes from the mouth at the time of surprise, like oh


दे. ‘कलिमःगो'।

kalima pa.Dhaanaa

to make (one) repeat the (Muslim) confession of faith, to convert (one) to Mohammadanism, to make a Musalman of (one)

kalima kaa shariik

Muslim fellow

kalima pa.Dhvaanaa

to make (one) repeat the (Muslim) confession of faith, to convert (one) to Mohammadanism, to make a Musalman of (one)


words of thanks, gratitude: like thanks God

kalima talqiin karnaa

to make one to recite Kalima


(Grammar) the word that is uttered in confession or in response to someone's voice


پاک کلمہ ؛ مراد : لَا اِلہَ اِلَا اللہُ مُحَمّدُ رَسُولُ اللہ.


blasphemous word or speech, blasphemy,

kalima kii u.nglii

index finger


the Kalima Tayyaba: la-ilaaha illallaah Muhammadur Rasulullaah


پاک کلمہ ؛ مراد : لَا اِلہَ اِلَا اللہُ مُحَمّدُ رَسُولُ اللہ.


the words of testimony, i.e. ash.hadu-anna la-ilaaha illallahu va ash.hadu-anna Muhammadan abduhu va Rasooluhu (I bear witness that there is no deity (none truly to be worshipped) but God, and I bear witness that Mohammed is the messenger of God


(Grammar) a word that relates a noun to another noun


word of praise, like bravo, excellent


this means 'Allahu Akbar'


unholy words, nonsense talk


the fourth kalima is also referred to as Tauheed as 'unification of oneness of God'


the word that used for address someone, like: you


i.e. Kalima-e-Tayyaba

kalima-e-KHair adaa karnaa

to praise


the word of surprising or happiness those are delivered spontaneously from the mouth, like bravo, excellent, well done etc.


وہ لفظ جس کے آخری حرف پر تنوین ہو جیسے: حکماً، شرعاً، لفظاً وغیرہ


(تصوف) وہ کلمہ جو اسم محمدّ سے منسوب ہے


in short


the finger next to the thumb; the first or index finger, forefinger, index finger

shahaadat kaa kalima

اَشْہَدُاَن لَااِلٰا اِلاَّاللہُ و اَشْہَدُاَنَّ مُحَمَّداً عَبْدُہ ورَسُولُہ اس کلمہ میں صرف خدا تعالیٰ ہی کے معبود ہونے اور رسول اکرم صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کے بندہ اور رسول ہونے پر گواہی دی جاتی ہے .


دُرُود اور کلمۂ طَیبہ، دم درود

naam kaa kalima raTnaa

to describe someone all time

kisii kaa kalima bharnaa

to miss someone all time, to memorize someone all time, chant or memorize all time someone

kufr kaa kalima bolnaa

to utter blasphemous language, to talk nonsense, to prate

naam kaa kalima pa.Dhnaa

to respect someone highly

nabii kaa kalima pa.Dhnaa

to take the name of Prophet Mohammed, to describe to name of Prophet Mohammed

kisii kaa kalima pa.Dhnaa

to have faith in someone, to devote someone

baaman kii beTii kalima jape

غیر مذہب و ملت کی خوبی کا اعتراف کرلے

baaman kii beTii kalima bhare

غیر مذہب و ملت کی خوبی کا اعتراف کرلے

baaman kii beTii kalima pa.Dhe

غیر مذہب و ملت کی خوبی کا اعتراف کرلے

tote kii tarah kalima pa.Dhnaa

to be pretend Muslim


declaration by those who speak of monotheism- that God is one

marte vaqt kalima-e-mohammad na nasiib ho

a kind of vow or evil word

Showing search results for: English meaning of lantaraanee, English meaning of lantaraani

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