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Showing results for "lam-ba.D"



laam baa.ndh diyaa

پیاپے پہنچایا یا جمع کر دیا

laam ba.ndhnaa

لام باندھنا کا لازم، لڑائی کے لئے لشکر جمع کرنا، لام بندی ہونا

laam baa.ndhnaa

arrange troops in a proper formation, form into line, array, marshal, mobilize


دنیا، زمین


the world of creation and material manifestation


science that discusses the rules of consistency, eloquence, rhetoric, and ingenuity in the word, so as to avoid error in stating what is appropriate at the point

'alam ba.Dhaanaa

عَلَم کا پھریرا اُتار لینا اور اسے تہ کر کے رکھ دینا (محرم یا عزاداری ختم ہونے پر)

'ilm ba.Daa ki 'amal

علم سے عمل اچھا ہے


state of going in the wrong direction

'aalam badal jaanaa

the state of world to change


awakened state, wakefulness


state of being heartless, disenchanted


the world of the city of silence, the state of cemetery


imprisoned in the chain of virtues and vices of world


world of water, dust and wind

baada-e-alam se behosh honaa

بیحد غم کی وجہ سے غش ہوجانا


بیحد غم

Meaning ofSee meaning lam-ba.D in English, Hindi & Urdu


लम-बड़لَم بَڑ

Vazn : 22

Root word: lam

Tags: Figurative

English meaning of lam-ba.D


  • tall
  • (figurative) foolish

लम-बड़ के हिंदी अर्थ


  • अत्यधिक लंबा आदमी
  • (संकेतात्मक) मूर्ख या बेवकूफ़ आदमी

لَم بَڑ کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu


  • ضرورت سے زیادہ لان٘با آدمی، بد قطع لان٘با
  • (کنایۃً) احمق یا بے وقوف آدمی

Urdu meaning of lam-ba.D

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • zaruurat se zyaadaa laambaa aadamii, badaqtaa laambaa
  • (kanaa.en) ahmaq ya bevaquuf aadamii

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laam baa.ndh diyaa

پیاپے پہنچایا یا جمع کر دیا

laam ba.ndhnaa

لام باندھنا کا لازم، لڑائی کے لئے لشکر جمع کرنا، لام بندی ہونا

laam baa.ndhnaa

arrange troops in a proper formation, form into line, array, marshal, mobilize


دنیا، زمین


the world of creation and material manifestation


science that discusses the rules of consistency, eloquence, rhetoric, and ingenuity in the word, so as to avoid error in stating what is appropriate at the point

'alam ba.Dhaanaa

عَلَم کا پھریرا اُتار لینا اور اسے تہ کر کے رکھ دینا (محرم یا عزاداری ختم ہونے پر)

'ilm ba.Daa ki 'amal

علم سے عمل اچھا ہے


state of going in the wrong direction

'aalam badal jaanaa

the state of world to change


awakened state, wakefulness


state of being heartless, disenchanted


the world of the city of silence, the state of cemetery


imprisoned in the chain of virtues and vices of world


world of water, dust and wind

baada-e-alam se behosh honaa

بیحد غم کی وجہ سے غش ہوجانا


بیحد غم

Showing search results for: English meaning of lambad, English meaning of lambar

Citation Index: See the sources referred to in building Rekhta Dictionary

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