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Showing results for "KHvaab-o-KHayaal honaa"

KHvaab-o-KHayaal honaa

vanish like a vision or spectre


imagination & dream, delusion, baseless things, difficult and impossible work


delusion, fantasy, imagination

KHvaab-o-KHor talKH honaa

کسی تکلیف یا فکر میں نیند نہ آنا اور کھانا پینا نا گوار ہونا

KHvaab-o-KHor haraam honaa

کسی فکر یا تکلیف میں نیند نہ آنا اور کھانا پینا ناگوار ہونا

vahm-o-KHayaal me.n honaa

to be in one's imagination

Meaning ofSee meaning KHvaab-o-KHayaal honaa in English, Hindi & Urdu

KHvaab-o-KHayaal honaa

ख़्वाब-ओ-ख़याल होनाخَواب و خَیال ہونا

English meaning of KHvaab-o-KHayaal honaa

  • vanish like a vision or spectre

Urdu meaning of KHvaab-o-KHayaal honaa

  • Roman
  • Urdu

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KHvaab-o-KHayaal honaa

vanish like a vision or spectre


imagination & dream, delusion, baseless things, difficult and impossible work


delusion, fantasy, imagination

KHvaab-o-KHor talKH honaa

کسی تکلیف یا فکر میں نیند نہ آنا اور کھانا پینا نا گوار ہونا

KHvaab-o-KHor haraam honaa

کسی فکر یا تکلیف میں نیند نہ آنا اور کھانا پینا ناگوار ہونا

vahm-o-KHayaal me.n honaa

to be in one's imagination

Showing search results for: English meaning of khvaabokhayaal honaa, English meaning of khvabokhayal hona

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KHvaab-o-KHayaal honaa

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