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Showing results for "KHabar-daar"


knowing and performing (one's) duty, one who renders to everyone his due, knowing what is right, pious, grateful


knowing the truth, knowledge of what is right, or of God, familiarize with truth and justice, gratitude


not acquainted with truth, undutiful, ungrateful


unjust, ungrateful, unjust or ungrateful person

Meaning ofSee meaning KHabar-daar in English, Hindi & Urdu



Vazn : 21

English meaning of KHabar-daar

Persian, Arabic - Adjective

  • warning, caution, take care! be careful! be on your guard! watch out! beware!, watchful, careful, cautious, on one's guard, scout, having knowledge, acquainted,

Persian, Arabic - Noun, Masculine

  • an employee working in the court of kings and Nobles to inform about the visitor

Sher Examples

ख़बर-दार के हिंदी अर्थ

फ़ारसी, अरबी - विशेषण

  • जानने वाला, चौकस, चौकन्ना, होशियार, सचेत, सतर्क, बाख़बर, सावधान, चेतावनी देने का शब्द, जागरूक, ख़बर देने वाला, मुख़बिर, जासूस, परिचित; जानने वाला; जानकार

फ़ारसी, अरबी - संज्ञा, पुल्लिंग

  • राजाओं, नवाबों आदि के दरबारों में वह नौकर जिसका काम आनेवाले लोगों के संबंध में पहले से आकर सूचना देना होता था

خَبَردار کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu

فارسی، عربی - صفت

  • خبر دینے والا، مُخبر، جاسوس
  • کسی کو کسی امر سے متنبہ کرنے کے لیے مستعمل
  • تاکید نفی کے لیے‏، ہرگز، مطلقاً، زنہار
  • واقف کار‏، آگاہ
  • ہمدرد، خیر گیری لینے والا، حال پوچھنے والا، واقف حال؛ معالج
  • چوکس، چوکّنا، ہشیار

Urdu meaning of KHabar-daar

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • ۱. Khabar dene vaala, muKhbar, jaasuus
  • ۱. kisii ko kisii amar se mutnabba karne ke li.e mustaamal
  • ۲. taakiid nafii ke li.e, hargiz, mutalliqan, ziinhaar
  • ۲. (i) vaaqif kaaraagaah,
  • (ii) hamadrad, Khair gerii lene vaala, haal puuchhne vaala, vaaqif haal ; mu.aalij
  • ۳. chaukas, chaukannaa, hoshyaar

Synonyms of KHabar-daar

Antonyms of KHabar-daar

Related searched words


knowing and performing (one's) duty, one who renders to everyone his due, knowing what is right, pious, grateful


knowing the truth, knowledge of what is right, or of God, familiarize with truth and justice, gratitude


not acquainted with truth, undutiful, ungrateful


unjust, ungrateful, unjust or ungrateful person

Showing search results for: English meaning of khabardaar, English meaning of khabardar

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