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Showing results for "kaabul me.n kyaa gadhe nahii.n hote"

kaabul me.n kyaa gadhe nahii.n hote

fools can be found everywhere, every land has all sorts of people, fools are to be found everywhere

kyaa kaabul me.n gadhe nahii.n hote

fools can be found everywhere, every land has all sorts of people, fools are to be found everywhere

vilaayat me.n kyaa gadhe nahii.n hote

fools can be found everywhere, every land has all sorts of people, fools are to be found everywhere

Meaning ofSee meaning kaabul me.n kyaa gadhe nahii.n hote in English, Hindi & Urdu

kaabul me.n kyaa gadhe nahii.n hote

काबुल में क्या गधे नहीं होतेکابُل میں کیا گدھے نہیں ہوتے

Also Read As : kyaa kaabul me.n gadhe nahii.n hote, vilaayat me.n kyaa gadhe nahii.n hote


Root word: kaabul

English meaning of kaabul me.n kyaa gadhe nahii.n hote

  • fools can be found everywhere, every land has all sorts of people, fools are to be found everywhere

काबुल में क्या गधे नहीं होते के हिंदी अर्थ

  • जहाँ बुद्धिमान होते हैं वहाँ मूर्ख भी होते हैं, मूर्खों की कहीं कमी नहीं
  • जहाँ अच्छे होते हैं वहाँ बुरे भी होते हैं अर्थात अच्छे बुरे सब जगह होते हैं

کابُل میں کیا گدھے نہیں ہوتے کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu
  • جہاں عقلمند ہوتے ہیں وہا ں بے وقوف بھی ہوتے ہیں، بے وقوفوں کی کہیں کمی نہیں
  • جہاں اچھے ہوتے ہیں وہاں برے بھی ہوتے ہیں یعنی اچھے برے سب جگہ ہوتے ہیں

Urdu meaning of kaabul me.n kyaa gadhe nahii.n hote

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • jahaa.n aqalmand hote hai.n vahaa.n bevaquuf bhii hote hain, bevquufo.n kii kahii.n kamii nahii.n
  • jahaa.n achchhe hote hai.n vahaa.n bure bhii hote hai.n yaanii achchhe bure sab jagah hote hai.n

Related searched words

kaabul me.n kyaa gadhe nahii.n hote

fools can be found everywhere, every land has all sorts of people, fools are to be found everywhere

kyaa kaabul me.n gadhe nahii.n hote

fools can be found everywhere, every land has all sorts of people, fools are to be found everywhere

vilaayat me.n kyaa gadhe nahii.n hote

fools can be found everywhere, every land has all sorts of people, fools are to be found everywhere

Showing search results for: English meaning of kaabul men kyaa gadhe naheen hote, English meaning of kaabul men kyaa gadhe nahin hote

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